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Jul 21, 2016
Do black lives matter or do all lives matter? The divisive rhetoric coming from our president and his administration is having a terrible effect on our country. This dishonesty has driven some to resort to terrorist activities and murder. The man that was supposed to reconcile our differences has fostered division. I long for those that want us to live in peace and love our neighbors as ourselves.

Jul 21, 2016
What have these two concepts yielded for the average American? We have been practicing a world view for the last 30 years resulting in the degradation of the middle class. If a world-view candidate is elected president, our standard of living will continue to degrade. The current democratic candidate for president has a world view. Like the British, I think a change is in order.

Jul 14, 2016
Nicely written opinion on 7 July, “Trespassing on peace?” Your response was well-reasoned and reasonable. Christan Bowen’s primary problem was poking at a straw man – a weak but very flammable target.

Jul 14, 2016
The FBI describes finding a terrorist rooted amongst our population similar to finding a needle in a haystack. Common sense states if looking for that needle you don’t add hay to the stack. Common sense also states that if the hay-eating animals are being hurt by the needles you don’t add more hay that contains more needles! This action only complicates the problem of not just having to find one needle, but multiple needles in a much larger haystack. If the educated Liberal Left Democrats can’t understand this simple common-sense concept of thought should they really be running for any office within our government? Of course their solution to any problem is to spend more of our borrowed money to correct the problem. Has government recently corrected any of our problems by spending more money?

Jul 7, 2016
The following arrived in our inbox as a letter to the editor, and the opportunity of a response should not pass:

Jun 30, 2016
My prediction is our next immigration problem will come from Cuba. With the action of the Obama administration to normalize relations with Cuba, without any legitimate insight (none by Republicans / thought out very well by Democrats) in regards to immigration and the new commercial flights (Cuban government-owned airline) from Cuba, the following will be next. Our U.S. immigration policy known as “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” will be subverted to allow any Cuban into our country. They will need a Cuban passport only issued by the Cuban government. The government itself will decide who leaves Cuba. They may or may not need an entry visa (if so, visas will be fast tracked) from the Obama administration to gain entry to our country. Once here the “Dry Foot” portion of our immigration law will kick in and the Obama administration will issue, at a minimum by law, a $1,500 dollar tax payer-paid check to all who arrive and are wanting citizenship.

Jun 23, 2016
So, an answer concerning the $80,000-plus of taxpayers’ money spent/given to the for-profit Tough Mudder event in April yields no return to the taxpayers. But a bright note, Commissioner Bob Cole thinks the taxpayers may have recouped the monies by the sales of Cokes and peanut butter crackers, really? And we have Rob Williamson who pushed the tax money payment to Tough Mudder. Rob Williamson, like a 10 year old, thinks money grows on trees. Rob Williamson doesn’t realize how hard people work for their money. There hasn’t been one tax proposal that Rob Williamson hasn’t voted for. 

Jun 16, 2016
A development company is planning to build a housing complex on a 5.74-acre privately owned parcel in the middle of the county-owned Navarre Beach Marine Park!  The parcel is currently zoned commercial which would allow a marina to be built but developers want to construct 134 residential units consisting of four 4-story buildings and two 6-story buildings on the property 150 feet from the Sound located in the middleof the four pavilions in Navarre Beach Marine Park east of Navarre Bridge on the barrier island.

Jun 16, 2016
The developer of the proposed 134 condominium units in East Park has a background that needs further review and would he disclose to potential buyers that treated sewage goes into the Sound?  Some people want the new condominiums for more taxes and revenue but remember, it really costs taxpayers when people who aren’t the most qualified are managing money and projects on our behalf. Someone answered questions concerning additional traffic over the bridge with adding a toll – great. We in Navarre don’t need the problems of condos in the public East Park. Don’t forget we are already saddled with Rob Williamson who isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack.

Jun 9, 2016
What is the reason for having a leash law in the area if it is not enforced? We have called Animal Control five times and the Sheriff’s Office one time and have been told nothing can be done by either groups. We are both too old to be fighting off pit bulls. I will bet if one of us gets bitten then something will be done. That will be a lot too late. Anyone have any suggestions?
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