Letters to the Editor Archive
Oct 27, 2016
Enough is enough!
Where are all the Environmentalists when you need them? They must have their heads buried in the sand on our beautiful Navarre Beach!
Oct 27, 2016
Informed voters needed
Thomas Jefferson was quoted saying,”If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” Is this basic truth being ignored by our citizens and will we remain free? Are the Republican principals of a representative democracy being taught in our schools? Based on the responses given by the man on the street, our citizens do not understand our founding principles that made the United States of America one of the greatest countries in the world. Are we truly informed about the choices we will make in the upcoming election? Our freedom may be at risk.
Oct 20, 2016
No people or turtle skills
Robbi Williamson has upset at least three community groups serving the Navarre Beach area. At least two of the groups he expressed deep concerns’ over their $1000 allotments and wants more transparency. But Robbi gave the Mudders event $80,000 of taxpayers money to come to Santa Rosa County but three neighboring states didn’t give a penny of taxpayers money to the Mudders event held in their states. What was Robbi thinking? I’ve asked Robbi but he won’t answer me. Now Robbi is trying to evict GiGi our blind turtle from our turtle center by adding “termination at will language” in the new lease. I think “termination at will” should apply to our commissioners, especially one.
Oct 13, 2016
Dear Editor, Navarre Press
I just heard Donald Trump’s sincere apology for his decade old offensive video. He probably said what some presidents committed!
Oct 6, 2016
It’s not too late: Register to vote by Oct. 29
Election Day Nov. 8 is fast approaching when we can exercise our honor, privilege and duty. I can’t wait!
Sep 8, 2016
Half-Cent Tax
During WW II around the time the silver (zinc) penny came into use (1943), the copper and other vital metals were used in manufacturing war materials.
Aug 25, 2016
Infrastructure tax effort is dancing in the dark
Sometimes things are just so ridiculous that one must comment. I am speaking specifically about the current attempt to gain a share in the $35 million windfall for contractors in Escambia County.
Aug 25, 2016
Broxson a no-show for debate
Having moved to Navarre from Wisconsin this past December, I was looking forward to learning more about the local political races by attending the debate for the state Senate race between Mike Hill and Doug Broxson. Unfortunately, Mr. Broxson had better things to do and was a no-show, only a week before the election. Maybe he was coordinating with special interests or something, I don’t know. But I do remember that my grandfather always said “half of life is just showing up.” So I will be voting for Mike Hill, who made time to answer questions from the voters of this district.
Aug 11, 2016
Open letter to State Rep. Broxson ref: Potential ethics violations
Running for office is not always an easy task and your decision to run to serve the public is much appreciated by many in the community.
Jul 28, 2016
Black Lives Matter?
Do black lives matter or do all lives matter? The divisive rhetoric coming from our president and his administration is having a terrible effect on our country. This dishonesty has driven some to resort to terrorist activities and murder. The man that was supposed to reconcile our differences has fostered division. I long for those that want us to live in peace and love our neighbors as ourselves.