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Jan 12, 2017
How do I apply for a job? If what I’ve heard is true they wouldn’t have to pay me.  I’d work for the benefits. A Platinum Health Plan that you and I pay for including the deductibles and the premiums, Life Insurance, Disability premiums, and possibly more benefits to come in the future. Then to help pay for everything a 17% increase in water rates.  With all the new construction on Highway 98 I hope they have a sufficient water supply to accommodate all users in the event of a 30+ day drought this summer.  With all those new accounts they should have plenty of cash on hand.  Please tell me I’m wrong.

Jan 5, 2017
In response to Brian Out Loud!  Dec. 22, I’d like to voice appreciation to Brian Lester and the Navarre Press for the continued and focused coverage of our high school sports. Brian is diligent in his coverage of high school sporting events and always does a great job in the write up and photos. In reading the press on my son, Austin, in the last weeks of his senior cross-country season, it’s a realization of how fast these high schoolers’ four years go by!  Being in The Navarre Press makes their achievements extra special. Thanks for covering all the Navarre athletes and high school activities.

Jan 5, 2017
Ad nauseam I listened to John Kerry’s anti-Israel resolution speech.  He dared say something like Obama’s administration supported Israel more than any other.  Not true!  Obama’s shunning Netanyahu more than once was despicable.  The vindictive anti-Israel resolution slapped God in the face, were that possible.  God will bless those who bless Israel, curse those who don’t (Gen 12:3).  Don’t forget the Palestinians won’t recognize Israel’s existence even though the latter have bent over backwards in accommodations.

Dec 8, 2016
Wow, what a surprise the Electoral College was! Who knew that a candidate could win the race for the presidency even though he didn’t get a majority of the actual national vote, like Donald Trump did? Somehow that possibility evaded all the advisers buzzing around Hillary Clinton, who constantly and smugly assured everyone that they were the modern experts with the superior grasp of data, so worry not about Trump defeating Clinton.

Dec 8, 2016
President Barack Obama won’t explicitly say that Donald Trump is on the wrong side of history, but surely he believes it.

Nov 24, 2016
We experimented with socialism and crony capitalism during the last 16 years and the results were not pretty. The globalist elite became wealthier and the average citizen became poorer. It is time to take our nation back! I pray, with God’s help we will move toward the country we used to be with opportunity for all. Through history all democracies have failed because the citizens discover they can vote themselves benefits. We in the USA have been in decline and we must reform our government. The professional politicians must go! The road to recovery will be difficult but doable with good leadership. We must come together and be prepared to sacrifice for the benefit of our country.

Nov 17, 2016
I would like to thank all of you in the community who took time to vote last week. I would also like to thank those of you who prayed for our country and asked God to bring us back to a constitutional government which is based on biblical principles. I praise Him for saving us from leadership which glorifies and advances what He hates and for trying to destroy what He loves. There are so many I will never be able to thank in person, but for whom I am so very grateful. As representatives of that group, I would like to mention a few very briefly in the public forum:

Nov 3, 2016
Now hear this!  The government wants our military to pay back enlistment bonuses it offered for serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, some executed in California in 2005, 2006, and 2010. How disgusting! In some cases the amounts are $15,000.  I don’t know the whole story.

Oct 27, 2016
Where are all the Environmentalists when you need them? They must have their heads buried in the sand on our beautiful Navarre Beach!

Oct 27, 2016
Thomas Jefferson was quoted saying,”If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.”  Is this basic truth being ignored by our citizens and will we remain free? Are the Republican principals of a representative democracy being taught in our schools? Based on the responses given by the man on the street, our citizens do not understand our founding principles that made the United States of America one of the greatest countries in the world. Are we truly informed about the choices we will make in the upcoming election? Our freedom may be at risk.
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