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Nov 22, 2024
I am excited about a downtown for Navarre. However, I cannot understand the logic for the proposed mini storage being located there. I would like to see that space reserved for a place to eat or shop.

Nov 21, 2024
Well, another Santa Rosa County Election with a disappointing result. On November 5th, voters rejected a 1/2 cent sales tax to be dedicated to infrastructure improvements in our county. One has to wonder how much longer this area’s roads and bridges can continue to be in a sorry state of repair and unable to carry area residents and visitors.

Oct 17, 2024
The Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners recently signed a resolution urging citizens to vote no on Amendment 4. Bradford, Collier, DeSoto, Gilchrist, Jefferson, Lee, Liberty, Okaloosa and Sarasota Boards of County Commissioners have all signed similar resolutions.

Sep 26, 2024
Santa Rosa County has its very first Veterans’ Treatment Court for justice-involved Veterans and Judge Tony Giraud admitted three Veterans to his first court Sept. 11. He will admit 10 more Sept. 25.

Aug 29, 2024
The progressive left, alias democrat party, is promoting division and hate among the citizens of our country. We have different ideas and we should be able to debate them without resorting to name calling and threats. Then reach logical conclusions. Taking deceptive and corrupt action to secure and maintain power is wrong. The constant drumming of division by identity and hate has yielded fruit in the assassination attempt of Donald Trump a former President and a candidate for the presidency of the United States.

Aug 22, 2024
I’m a full-time Navarre resident. I support incorporating Navarre, and I will express it to anyone but only if they ask or complain about the seemingly unchecked development and diminishing quality of life in Navarre. Typically, I’m not a bomb-thrower, but the very fact that our county commissioners have denied Navarre residents the fundamental right to choose how they will be governed by refusing to have the issue of Navarre incorporation appear on the ballot is uncontestable evidence that Navarre residents should choose to incorporate in an upcoming independent straw vote. 

Jun 27, 2024
Asked recently what my goal is now, this nonagenarian responded, “The same as when first born again, i.e. to manifest the reconciliation of man to God, to expand God’s family.” Jesus said in the greatest book ever to be written, not to be superseded, “Ye must be born again.” That means get priorities straight, make Jesus Lord and Savior.  Doing this gives a peace that passes all understanding, ensuring a home in eternity with Him, Creator of heaven and earth!  Experiencing the new birth is the most important decision one can make.

Jun 25, 2024
Thanks for your mock election article. Navarre high schoolers exhibited more sense than college student protestors.                

Jun 13, 2024
If you wanted to destroy a country, what actions would be taken? First, disrupt and destroy the history and culture through relentless attacks resulting in the destruction of the common bond among its people. Second, determine the strength of the country’s economy and attack that element. Cheap energy has been the foundation of our economy. Third, convert from a dependable source of energy to one that is not dependable, using false justification (climate change). Forth, destroy the country’s sovereignty by compromising its borders; therefore, allowing enemies of the country to enter to ferment unrest and terror. Fifth, make as many people as possible dependent on another’s work for their subsistence (welfare). Fifty six percent of the 30 million illegal immigrants are on public assistance. Sixth, promote success on identity not merit (DEI). Seventh, allow non-citizens to vote.

May 2, 2024
What in the world is happening with HWY 98 reconstruction. These people dig out everything created chaos and left. There is almost no progress in last two years. This is unbelievable sloppiness and chaos. Completely unprofessional and unacceptable. I lost three windshields due to stones on HWY98. Whoever is in charge should bring company from China to finish job in two weeks.
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