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Sep 11, 2023
I had been a pastor for eight years before I enrolled in a seminary. When I first met the seminary’s director of church planting, he said, “Have you ever given any thought to planting a church? You’d be good at it.”

Sep 5, 2023
Last week as Hurricane Idalia roared up the gulf coast of Florida, my phone chimed with messages and calls from family and friends asking about our wellbeing.

Aug 28, 2023
Earlier in life, I had a brief stint in sales just long enough to convince me that I am no salesman. However, I did learn some interesting maxims from my sales training, like “The Rule of 250.”

Aug 21, 2023
It is Wednesday, August 16, my wife and I are in Mooresville IN having just buried her father. Russ Lambert was 106 years old. Recently, I was thinking about all that he had witnessed in his lifetime. He was born in Indianapolis in March of 1917. In April of that same year, the United States entered World War I.

Aug 7, 2023
A friend recently asked me what I was reading in my “daily devotions.” Some of you are now waiting for my answer but others of you are wondering what we are talking about. I remember as a new convert wondering that very thing.

Jul 31, 2023
Guest preachers have an advantage over the resident preacher. A guest preacher can drop in, speak boldly to a congregation on some controversial issue, then go home leaving the resident preacher to deal with a brewing firestorm.

Jul 24, 2023
“You do not have because you do not ask,” says the New Testament letter of James as it chides its readers for their prayerlessness, “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly to spend it on your passions. You adulterous people!”

Jul 18, 2023
With all the rain we have been having this summer on the Florida panhandle, I am giving serious consideration to building an ark! Anyone who knows me knows that me building anything is a disaster waiting to happen. My failed work projects are legend.

Jul 10, 2023
I am crazy about aircraft of all kinds but get particularly excited over military aircraft. Living in Navarre nestled among the many military bases and airfields, I’m three-for-three in the real estate maxim, location-location-location.

Jul 3, 2023
These days, there seems to be a credulity gap between what people say and what they do. The credulity gap to which I am referring is when a person or an institution champions an ideal but acts in a manner contrary to it. The technical term for this credulity gap is “an issue of plausibility.”
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