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Jan 2, 2024
My attitude toward New Years Eve has been a mixed bag. As a kid, it was the one day of the year that I was allowed to stay up late, but I never could stay awake. In college, New Years Eve always promised a raucous party, one that I would never be able to remember the next day. When I joined a band, New Years Eve became the night I made “big” money doing something I loved.

Dec 21, 2023
It is December, and our neighborhoods have exploded with strings of sparkling lights spilling off roofs and hugging hedges. The colder, crisper nights, like the pathetic fallacy of a Shakespearean play, have lent a modicum of credibility to the artificial icicles dripping off the eaves. Chubby inflatable snowmen, Santas, and cartoon characters sway gently in the chilly breeze in improvised choreography to some unheard night song. Nativity scenes softly lit offer a quiet counterpoint to the eclectic spectacle, reminding those who dare to ponder that there is a Christ whose quiet incarnation in Bethlehem brought hope to the world.

Dec 14, 2023
Over four of the five weeks of December, many churches will, in some fashion, observe the season of Advent. By most liturgical calendars, Advent began the last Sunday in November, but the church I pastor, like some other churches, has opted to begin its observance on the first Sunday of December and ending on Sunday morning, December 24.

Dec 6, 2023
My closet has been the longtime home of two shirts. Like the best of friends, they literally have had my back through thick and thin offering their familiar and comfortable embrace. Cotton. Soft. A comfy fit. They are my favorite shirts.

Nov 29, 2023
I have an idol…well, not really an idol, but a TV character whom I jokingly claim to be my hero. His name is Onslow, and he is the brother-in-law of Hyacinth Bucket, much to her chagrin. The TV show is “Keeping Up Appearances,” a Brit-com in which Hyacinth, a matronly woman with working-class roots, desperately tries to prove to everyone that she is upper class. “It’s Boo-kay!” she corrects with exasperation whenever anyone correctly pronounces her last name as “Bucket.” Her henpecked husband, Richard, resignedly goes along with her elaborate attempts to put on airs. Unfortunately, her relatives keep showing up.

Nov 22, 2023
Despite the Christmas decorations in department stores, it is Thanksgiving Day, the day which, in theory, we give thanks. The question that sits before us like the proverbial, giant turkey in the room into which no one dares slice, is: “To whom are we giving thanks?” If you gather on this holiday with family and friends to enjoy an abundant table laden with the traditional fare and someone asks that question, how would you answer?

Nov 13, 2023
My wife and I are not “beach people.” We could be living in Nebraska for the few times we have been to the beach in the last five years. It takes having out of town company to get us there. Our attitude was the same when we lived in Naples, Fl, for twelve years, and before that when we lived in Jupiter, Fl. In fact, we have lived in Florida for most of our adult lives. The question going through your mind right now is, “Why?” Two words – God’s call.

Nov 6, 2023
It has happened again despite our best efforts to stave off such travesties. We purchased bags of candy anticipating a steady stream of costumed neighborhood kids and only a handful of them showed up. Now we are “stuck with” a large bowl of some of my favorite candy. Oh, the horror!

Oct 30, 2023
These days, I am toting two smartphones, one is my personal phone, the other is the church phone. Friends raise their eyebrows whenever I lay my two phones on a table at restaurants. They give me a subtle, amused look that says, “Somebody sure thinks he’s important.” Thankfully, I am not all that important, so having two phones has not resulted in twice as many phone calls.

Oct 23, 2023
A few weeks ago, I celebrated one more birthday by adding another notch to my belt. You see, each year on my birthday, my one request of my wife is that she prepare for me an obscene quantity of my favorite food – spaghetti with a cheesy bechamel sauce. My request always presents a moral dilemma for her, pitting her love for me against her concern for my health; that dish would be high on any cardiologist’s list of foods to avoid.
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