For God’s Sake Archive
For God’s Sake: God cannot be duped
From early on in our marriage, my wife and I wanted to get a dog, but with full-time jobs, it didn’t seem wise.
Seeing people walking dogs in our neighborhood and cute dogs in TV commercials relentlessly threatened our resolve.
For God’s Sake: Life is like an espresso machine
Forrest Gump told the lady at the bus stop, “My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get,” then he popped one into his mouth.
Clearly, that was before candy companies put key cards in the boxes because, Forrest, you can know exactly “what you’re gonna get.”
For God’s Sake: Senior dog’s ‘zooms’ inspire pastor’s sermons
In seminary, future preachers are encouraged to collect potential sermon illustrations – emotion-packed, real-life stories, a funny joke or a personal life experience.
God must have realized that I would need extra help in this because he gave us Brewster.
For God’s Sake: Do not live as if this world is your permanent home
Looking around our home, post-Christmas, I noticed something – we have a lot of empty cardboard boxes.
In addition to a nice collection in our garage, we have a fine display of sturdy, reliable boxes in our dining room, a room we rarely use. I know what you are thinking – somebody got a load of presents this Christmas.
For God’s Sake: Don’t do without thinking first
An essential industry tool back when I worked as an animator was the character sheet. The character sheet displayed sketches of the cartoon character we were animating.
The character designer produced it to show the animator what the character should look from different angles, in different poses and emotions.
For God’s Sake: Free TV for price of kindness
For God’s Sake
For God’s Sake
There is a dog food commercial that makes me laugh. It begins with slow-motion footage of a sleek wolf bounding through the woods. The wolf leaps effortlessly over a log but then mid-leap, is transformed into a golden retriever that nails the landing and bounds off.
A voiceover explains that inside every dog there is the spirit of a wolf, so buy this company’s dog food. What makes me laugh is that, nearby, our “wolf,” a 15-year-old, 20-pound snaggle of fur, is laying on the floor snoring loudly and sporting a “male wrap,” which is kind of a doggie diaper.
For God’s Sake
For God’s sake
I am basically inept when it comes to home repairs. Admitting it has kept me out of the emergency room and has, on occasion, paid some tradesman’s mortgage.
One time, I tried to change out an exhaust fan in a bathroom. An easy job, right? I was glad that I had read the instructions because I learned to shut off the circuit breaker to avoid electrocution.