For God’s Sake Archive
For God’s Sake: Attitudes toward Halloween participation vary widely
For God’s Sake: Sending back the grammar-checking software
I downloaded grammar-checking software recently, and I am having regrets.
The software scrutinizes everything on my computer screen, and I mean EVERYTHING, highlighting what it deems to be grammatical errors. It is like having someone peering over your shoulder and constantly criticizing your work.
For God’s Sake: Back in the role of “minister of music”
During the first ten years of full-time ministry, I was best known in the congregation I served as “the minister of music.”
It was not my main responsibility, but it was certainly the most public. I was often asked what I did for a living. People assumed that I must have an outside job since picking a few songs each week couldn’t take very long.
For God’s Sake: Perhaps God is calling you into full-time ministry
It amazes me how a small, unrelated stimulus sparks a memory. A recent, unrelated conversation with a store clerk brought to mind my call to ministry.
I sensed the call about thirty-seven years ago, mere months after coming to faith in Christ. Sunday evening services were the norm for churches and the guest speaker that night was a missionary the congregation supported.
For God’s Sake: October is Pastor Appreciation month
I hadn’t checked my mailbox at the post office in a few days, so it was rather full.
I set about trying to remove its contents but complicating the job was a small, stout envelope. It was the lynchpin to the jam and had to be removed first.
For God’s Sake: The COMPASS core value statement champions ‘grace giving’
“All you preachers ever talk about is money,” a man complained having just sat through my once-a-year sermon on giving.
Clearly, giving was a sensitive subject for that man, as it is for many. It seems that all the preaching on giving, including the televangelists’ shameless shakedowns, is balled together and attributed to every preacher.
For God’s Sake: Merit is the price for favor in our world
Early last Sunday morning, a relative sent me a text with a photo of a page from a book he was reading.
Enlarging the photo, I saw that the topic of discussion on the page was God’s grace, and it defined grace as, “God rewards me for letting him reward me.”
For God’s Sake: Valued piece of scratch-pad paper now resides in the front of my Bible
One Sunday morning before a worship service, a young girl in the congregation, her face alight with a bright smile, handed me a piece of scratch-pad paper.
“Pastor, I made this for you,” she said. I am grateful anytime anyone is thoughtful enough to make something for me, so I thanked her.
For God’s Sake: Bible reminds believers they are not alone
My wife will occasionally ask me to read to her because she says that my voice is soothing and puts her to sleep.
She asks at bedtime, and I confess, I don’t often comply because I am tired. I like the fact that my wife finds my voice that soothing; it’s kind of like a superpower.
For God’s Sake: Absence, unwillingness to serve is as dangerous as a missing shuttle tile
I have a good friend, Frank Manno, who is a professional photographer like no other.
What makes Frank unique is that he is legally blind. Retinitis pigmentosa is slowly robbing him of sight, and yet he takes amazing photographs.