For God’s Sake Archive
For God’s Sake: Conflicted by popular Christmas hymn
For God’s Sake: Time is ripe; receive God’s gift of his Son
For God’s Sake: Our hope is in Jesus Christ
For God’s Sake: Prayer seems intended to change the one praying more than their circumstances
For God’s Sake: No time for frantic preparation when Jesus returns
For God’s Sake: Attitudes toward Halloween participation vary widely
For God’s Sake: Sending back the grammar-checking software
I downloaded grammar-checking software recently, and I am having regrets.
The software scrutinizes everything on my computer screen, and I mean EVERYTHING, highlighting what it deems to be grammatical errors. It is like having someone peering over your shoulder and constantly criticizing your work.
For God’s Sake: Back in the role of “minister of music”
During the first ten years of full-time ministry, I was best known in the congregation I served as “the minister of music.”
It was not my main responsibility, but it was certainly the most public. I was often asked what I did for a living. People assumed that I must have an outside job since picking a few songs each week couldn’t take very long.
For God’s Sake: Perhaps God is calling you into full-time ministry
It amazes me how a small, unrelated stimulus sparks a memory. A recent, unrelated conversation with a store clerk brought to mind my call to ministry.
I sensed the call about thirty-seven years ago, mere months after coming to faith in Christ. Sunday evening services were the norm for churches and the guest speaker that night was a missionary the congregation supported.
For God’s Sake: October is Pastor Appreciation month
I hadn’t checked my mailbox at the post office in a few days, so it was rather full.
I set about trying to remove its contents but complicating the job was a small, stout envelope. It was the lynchpin to the jam and had to be removed first.