Jan 23, 2014
Back in Navarre
I could not have been more excited when I pulled up in front of the Navarre Press office Monday morning. I had accomplished two things. First, I was returning to Navarre and second, I was returning to my first love, journalism.
Jan 16, 2014
10 weird Florida predictions that could happen in 2014
The Sunshine State is consistently the source of some of the most bizarre news stories you’ve ever heard – often involving oversized reptiles, crazy crimes, stupid criminals and mind-boggling scandals. After gazing into its cloudy crystal ball, Sachs Media Group offers 10 predictions that are just strange enough to be plausible Florida news items in the new year! From randy grannies to voting zombies, from fresh-from-the-tree mixed drinks to medical mistletoe, this list has it all.
Jan 9, 2014
Things you learn while trying to eat right
A year ago I made the mistake of subscribing to a nutrition advice publication called “Eat right or die!” They gave my name to other health and nutrition magazines. Now I’m drowning in food-related advice and factoids. Here are some examples.
Dec 19, 2013
Student disengagement, truancy rampant
It’s almost near the winter break for school districts across the state, and students are no doubt anticipating with glee a short respite from the usual breakneck pace of homework, group projects, pop quizzes, and high-stakes tests that encompass a school term.
Dec 12, 2013
Overpass opens a wealth of possibilities
The approval of funding for a pedestrian overpass across U.S. Highway 98 near Navarre Park is great news – and could be a key accompaniment in the possible incorporation of Navarre.
Dec 5, 2013
Florida Tourism Gets Hooked /Fishing Important To Florida Tourism Too
“Florida tourism” conjures images of theme parks, resort hotels, state parks and the finest beaches the world has to offer. Sailfish, marlins and mackerel don’t immediately come to mind, but recreational fishing is an important part of the tourism industry in Florida, too. Florida is uniquely positioned to attract visitors to the state for recreational fishing, as our natural fresh and salt waterways are truly world-famous. Each year, millions of Americans and international visitors come to Florida to spend time fishing on our waterways.
Nov 28, 2013
Constituent Voice
Politics starts from the bottom up, not the top down. Lawmakers in Washington are elected by the people and have a responsibility to the people. It is an immense honor and privilege for me to represent the people of Florida’s First Congressional District, and it is absolutely vital that I have the opportunity to hear from them so that I can ensure that Northwest Florida’s voice is heard in the halls of Congress. One message that I continue to receive loud and clear from constituents in all parts of Northwest Florida is opposition to and concern about Obamacare.
Nov 21, 2013
JFK – A conservative Democratic president
“Where were you, and what were you doing, when you first heard about President Kennedy’s death?” That question will be lofted many times in the next few weeks, as the nation marks the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination. For millions of Americans, the response will be, “Why are you asking me? I wasn’t even born yet.” For those of us in upper age brackets it won’t be difficult for us to recall exactly the moment and our location when the shocking news from Dallas reached our ears.
Nov 14, 2013
Thanksgiving: America’s Lesson on Why Socialism Doesn’t Work
Thanksgiving is approaching once again, and with it come visions of children’s plays with Indians and Pilgrims, complete with little Pilgrim hats made of construction paper. The story told in these plays and learned by public school students at every grade level is a simple one.
Nov 14, 2013
Hello Navarre, is there anybody out there?
Public input is a key element in the development of governmental policy and community services. We the people, after all, are the government. It is through public input – elections – that we decide who represents us and whether or not we want a tax to pay for something or to fund a service.