Aug 14, 2014
Ample chances to vote
Early voting started Aug. 11 in Santa Rosa County. Supervisor of Elections Tappie Villane decided to go “above and beyond” what the state required and provide 13 consecutive days for Santa Rosa County residents to vote. The state only required eight days.
Aug 7, 2014
Is the water safe?
Navarre Beach was making headlines and blowing up social media this past week as a video of a hammerhead shark near the shore literally “went viral.” The video, shot by a tourist visiting Navarre Beach, showed the hammerhead heading toward shore and apparently making its way closer and closer to a swimmer. Before getting too close, the shark changed course and went on its way. A Navarre Beach lifeguard had entered the water to make sure all swimmers safely made it to shore. And they did.
Jul 31, 2014
Make an informed decision
Santa Rosa County voters in less than a month will cast ballots for candidates seeking a variety of elected offices. In some cases, the candidate that receives the most votes during the primary will win the office. So, the importance of the Aug. 26 primary election cannot be overstated.
Jul 24, 2014
Who knows best?
We reported in this week’s issue that Gulf Pointe Academy, a highly successful private school located along Highway 98 in Navarre, was relocating to St. Sylvester Catholic Church in Gulf Breeze. Our characterization of St. Sylvester being located in Gulf Breeze apparently raised a few eyebrows and then prompted comments on our social media sites. We agree. St. Sylvester is not in Gulf Breeze Proper. We know that. We noted in our online response that its street address was Gulf Breeze, so we went with it.
Jul 17, 2014
Navarre organizations step up to RESTORE plate
The 2014 Major League Baseball All-Star game was played Tuesday evening in Minneapolis. And while “real” baseball fans like a good pitchers’ duel, many fans who occasionally watch baseball get excited by the offense. What’s better than seeing one the big league stars step up to the plate and belt a fast ball over the wall, right?
Jul 17, 2014
Honesty in government
What is the biggest thing “our country” needs? “Honest people in ‘charge.’”
Jul 10, 2014
One person’s trash is another person’s … trash
You’ve heard the adage, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure?” That may be the case in some circumstances, but unfortunately, when folks literally fail to use trash receptacles and end up littering, then their trash becomes our trash.
Jul 3, 2014
Out of sight, out of mind?
We have all heard the phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind,” right?
Jun 26, 2014
Combined training good but safety concerns remain
Navarre Beach lifeguards and Navarre Beach firefighters conducted their first, official joint training exercise of the season June 21. Training between the two groups is conducted several times annually but this was the first official training since the drowning of a tourist from Louisiana in late May. The 19-year-old entered the water on a red flag day west of the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier, where lifeguards are not stationed, and unfortunately was caught up in a rip tide.
Jun 19, 2014
A great opportunity
After seven years, Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council Director Kate Wilkes announced last week her retirement effective Aug. 1, 2014. TDC board members and other community and business leaders recognized and thanked her for leading the county’s tourism development efforts through some challenging times. We only have to look back four years to the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill to understand that it hasn’t been all smooth sailing for Wilkes.