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Nov 14, 2013

Hello Navarre, is there anybody out there?

Public input is a key element in the development of governmental policy and community services. We the people, after all, are the government. It is through public input – elections – that we decide who represents us and whether or not we want a tax to pay for something or to fund a service.

Nov 7, 2013

Leave the marketing to the locals

To market an area and its events and attractions, a marketing firm needs to fully understand the community. Navarre is a unique location when considering many of its Panhandle neighbors. Marketing Navarre is not like marketing Destin or Pensacola or Panama City, which are well-known destinations that practically market themselves and can easily be marketed from afar.

Oct 24, 2013

More reefs, please

The Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council (TDC) is recommending county commissioners approve $64,000 to allow for the doubling of the artificial reefs on the Gulf side of Navarre Beach Park. This should be a slam dunk for commissioners, as this is a no-brainer.

Oct 17, 2013

Breaking county ordinances, codes is bad for business

Putting the public in harm’s way is bad enough, but when it’s a business that is acting on behalf of the county, it makes us all look bad – the county, its residents and the business.

Oct 10, 2013

Newspapers are still the cornerstone of democracy

We’ve been calling it the end of an era for a long time now.

Oct 3, 2013

Vandalism crumbles public image

The weather was beautiful, the sculptors were enthusiastic and accommodating and the sights were incredible last weekend at the Navarre Beach Sand Sculpting Festival. Everything was perfect except for one detail: the damage to several sculptures done by vandals Friday night.

Sep 26, 2013

Snowden makes us a part of the story

When an otherwise ordinary guy like Edward Snowden becomes a household name overnight, you know that his story is about more than whether he’s a good guy or bad guy for leaking information of U.S. and British government surveillance programs to the press.

Sep 19, 2013

Simple improvements best for park

The county recently held a public meeting asking for input on improvements the community would like to see made at Navarre Park. It was a smart, and necessary move. Now we’ll see if the county listened.

Sep 12, 2013

Someone to watch over you

The responsibilities of a newspaper go much deeper than simply writing stories that entertain and inform. The words public service and watchdog are often tossed around, and rightfully so.

Sep 5, 2013

County feeling pier pressure

The selection process of the management of the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier is turning out to be much like a fishing expedition. Lines are cast, but you never know what’s going to come back.
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