Feb 26, 2015
Mandatory minimum sentencing forces judges into decisions
ABC News Feb. 18 highlighted the regret expressed by Paul Cassell, a retired federal judge who was forced to impose a 55-year prison sentence on a 24-year-old male for nonviolent drug bust after prosecutors filed certain charges against him.
Feb 19, 2015
What’s the buzz
We took to our Facebook page and asked readers whether they thought the playground proposed for the Navarre Sports Complex should have an unattended zip line. Here are some of the responses:
Feb 5, 2015
Cutting communications tax with care
Florida has the highest communications tax in the nation, so Gov. Rick Scott has good reason to want to cut it. Lawmakers should go along with his proposal but should take care, as Scott did, to leave alone the local portion of the tax, which is essential to cities and counties.
Jan 29, 2015
Just a few questions here: Why is it my car beeps at me for all kinds of silly reasons (seat belts, lights left on, open door before I turn the car off – when it’s in park!) but it won’t beep at me when I need it to – like when I forget to release the emergency brake?
Jan 15, 2015
Assassins of free speech
The Enlightenment’s legacy of free speech has transformed the world. Ideas exchanged freely without fear have promoted freedom, justice, science and the arts, leading to an explosion of wealth, the lengthening of lifespans and the growing empowerment of women and minorities, while undermining totalitarian states that benefit elites through brutality.
Jan 8, 2015
Improvements to Navarre
In light of County Commissioner Rob Williamson’s idea to develop an improvement plan for District 4, we asked our Facebook community to share their ideas to improve Navarre.
Dec 18, 2014
Listening to voters is crucial
Increasing taxes seems to be the go-to response for many politicians, including Santa Rosa County Commission Chairman Don Salter, who’s been discussing a hike in the local gas tax to fund transportation projects.
Dec 11, 2014
The road to impropriety
Although the Santa Rosa Board of County Commissioners has a code of ethics, after Monday’s meeting, we thought perhaps a refresher course was in order.
Dec 4, 2014
Area crime just one reason to incorporate
Incorporation supporters have likened the incorporation wave to the Boston Tea Party—a stand against taxation without representation. They are angered by what they view as bloated and unresponsive county government and want greater control over how their taxes are spent. Proponents argue that the best way to make government responsive to community interests is to make it a community government.
Dec 4, 2014
Nonsense at the National Seashore
Dan Brown is superintendent of Gulf Islands National Seashore. In a way he’s the “big boss” of the pristine stretch of barrier islands which skirt the Mississippi and northwest Florida coasts. He’s also head honcho of historic local park areas, such as Fort Pickens, Fort Barrancas and the Naval Live Oaks Reserve.