Governor takes step to get much-needed employees back to work
A Navarre Press reader was shopping at a dollar store recently. Her purchase was put in a bag along with a flier letting her know the store is hiring.
Everyone is hiring these days, it seems.
Editorial No more losing
Editorial: Change is on the way to Navarre
Beach safety proves top priority of county, and we agree
Editorial: We must fight to protect public’s right to know
For democracy to function, citizens must have the right to know what their elected officials are doing and saying. The right to full and public notice of when elected officials are discussing or making decisions must be ensured.
As a nonpartisan government watchdog and taxpayer-research institute that focuses on promoting government accountability and transparency, Florida TaxWatch supports the use of public notices in local newspapers of record by government entities to notify all of their citizens of meetings and votes.
Editorial: Traffic congestion tough road to hoe
Santa Rosa County businesses and officials want tourists to come. They are and in solid numbers if recent bed tax revenues are the indicator.
When the tourists come, they arrive in cars. The cars cause more congestion on our always crowded roads.
Editorial: Give us back our bridge
Damaged bridge sparks unanswered questions
Why did that barge cause damage to the bridge?
The answer, as I see it, there was no protection for the bridge supports. Now, the question is, why not? Was it not in the design contract or did the design engineers not include protection for the bridge supports?
Editorial: Officials can make local roads safer; so can you
When you’re in charge of making decisions for a county as large as Santa Rosa County, there are a lot of directions you can turn.
People care about it all.
Editorial: Were commissioners helping or hurting by easing one person’s code woes?
Representative government or political interference with the law?
Like the Federal government functions on the principal of subdividing its lawmaking (the Congress), law administration (the Executive), and law interpretation (the Judiciary) duties to prevent abuses against citizens, so too must Santa Rosa County.