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Aug 11, 2021

As a citizen of Okaloosa County, residing in the extreme southwest corner of the county, I conduct most of my life’s activities in Santa Rosa County (SRC) due to proximity.

I shop in Navarre & Gulf Breeze and attend church & frequent the beaches in Navarre.

Aug 4, 2021

Over the 21-plus years Navarre Press has been covering Santa Rosa County, there have been many challenging times. We have reported on damaging hurricanes, a recession and legal battles that have divided elected officials and residents.

But it seemed we were on a good path heading into 2021. The Board of County Commissioners had a mix of experience and new perspectives, the staff had a strong leader in County Administrator Dan Schebler and county growth was encouraging.

Jun 9, 2021

In recent months, Santa Rosa County has developed a reputation for public meetings marked by outbursts, arguing and, as a result, increased law enforcement presence.

The Santa Rosa County School District responded by strictly enforcing rules of conduct and having deputies remove audience members who defy those rules in any way.

Jun 2, 2021
Once upon a time, the Blackwater River was a conveyor belt of prosperity. Loggers floated longleaf pine trunks to the mills.

May 26, 2021

A Navarre Press reader was shopping at a dollar store recently. Her purchase was put in a bag along with a flier letting her know the store is hiring.

Everyone is hiring these days, it seems.

Apr 21, 2021
When people tell me they don’t want Navarre to incorporate, I can understand why. Just look at the county. And then look at the cracks in our roads and the absence of sidewalks across our area.

Apr 14, 2021
Change is coming to Navarre, whether local residents or the infrastructure is ready for it. The opening of three emergency rooms in about six months – all within a few miles of each other along U.S. Highway 98 – would seem to speak to a population that can support that kind of growth.

Apr 7, 2021
Spending taxpayers’ dollars at any level is a decision sure to spark a reaction. We all have our own perspectives on what government – at all levels – should and should not spend money on.

Mar 31, 2021

For democracy to function, citizens must have the right to know what their elected officials are doing and saying. The right to full and public notice of when elected officials are discussing or making decisions must be ensured.

As a nonpartisan government watchdog and taxpayer-research institute that focuses on promoting government accountability and transparency, Florida TaxWatch supports the use of public notices in local newspapers of record by government entities to notify all of their citizens of meetings and votes.

Mar 24, 2021

Santa Rosa County businesses and officials want tourists to come. They are and in solid numbers if recent bed tax revenues are the indicator.

When the tourists come, they arrive in cars. The cars cause more congestion on our always crowded roads.

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