Brian Out Loud Archive
Jul 3, 2023
Brian Out Loud
I really could have written this column with one emoji. You know the one where the person has the hand slapping the face.
That really would have covered all you need to know about the district set up for cross-country for the teams in this area.
Jun 26, 2023
Brian Out Loud
It’s been maybe 20 years now since I covered a high school baseball championship series in another state. Some of the memories are a blur. Others are lost forever.
I’m pretty sure the team I covered won the title, but what I remember for certain is that it was a unique set up in that a best of three format was used to determine a champion.
Jun 23, 2023
Brian Out Loud
Politicians could learn a thing or two from sports. And they could learn a thing or two sooner rather than later.
In sports, there is no fighting over which party is right or wrong and we don’t ever hear stories of an athlete not being qualified to play a certain position on the field or court because of his or her political affiliation.
Jun 12, 2023
Brian Out Loud
Father’s Day hits differently when your dad is no longer with you.
I lost my dad last spring, and this will be the second year in a row where I won’t be able to call him, send him a card or take a trip home to see him like I did four years ago, which happened to be the last Father’s Day weekend we spent together.
Jun 5, 2023
Brian Out Loud
More basketball courts. That’s what Navarre needs.
Not more Dollar Generals. Not more storage units. Not more gas stations. We have enough of those.
May 30, 2023
Brian Out Loud
It was the middle of March. The day of my birthday to be exact. And the Navarre Raider softball team won a game that kind of sent a message that it was on its way to having a pretty good year.
I was there to witness the Raiders hammer Niceville 16-6. The same Eagles who have long been a thorn in the side of Navarre over the years. Until that night, the Raiders had never beaten the Eagles in run-rule fashion.
May 23, 2023
Brian Out Loud
Rewind to the spring sports season in 2020. It seems like a lifetime ago in some ways because of how different the world was then in the midst of a pandemic.
The current seniors who will receive their high school diplomas this week were only freshmen at the time. Their spring seasons were cut short just a few weeks in.
May 15, 2023
Brian Out Loud
I made a donation to a GoFundMe for one of the local teams traveling to a regional tournament game last week.
I have nothing against giving to a good cause. It beats sending money to some random person who emails you asking for money so that he or she can get off an island they are stuck on in the middle of nowhere.
May 8, 2023
Brian Out Loud
I’ll never pretend to be an expert when it comes to movie reviews.
But if you haven’t seen “Air” yet, it’s worth the price of admission.
May 1, 2023
Brian Out Loud
Five wins. That’s what Navarre finished the year with in 2022.
The Raiders were at eight wins going into the final week of the regular season, and based on that alone, you have to say there has been improvement.