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May 30, 2013
Government auditors recently told a House panel that efforts to build four veterans medical centers are taking on average about three years longer to complete than estimated and costing an additional $366 million per project.

May 30, 2013
The Formosan Subterranean termite is one of the most destructive termite species in the world. And they are here, in our backyard. 

May 30, 2013
A Santa Rosa County school bus driver has died of bacterial meningitis, according to the Santa Rosa County Health Department and the Santa Rosa County School District.

May 30, 2013
MIAMI — Gov. Rick Scott signed a statewide ban on texting while driving into law Tuesday, making Florida the 41st state to enact a texting-while-driving ban for all drivers.

May 30, 2013
The manager of a business occupying county-owned property on Navarre Beach was arrested on a misdemeanor charge for selling alcohol to a minor during a late March transaction.  The incident took place March 29 in the presence of a Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office detective at Sandy Bottoms, a convenience store located at 8228 Gulf Boulevard and operated by Dorothy Slye, who is also the current manager of the Navarre Beach Pier, another county-owned property.  

May 30, 2013
A Milton man was put away for two-plus decades following a sexual abuse case involving a five-year-old child.

May 30, 2013
“This is unprecedented,” said Jim Hizer, President and CEO of the Greater Pensacola Chamber as he was updating the Santa Rosa commissioners on VISION 2015. The vision of the future is indeed looking good for the chamber’s job-creation initiative focused on recruiting new businesses, helping local businesses expand and strengthening the partnerships between the military and the private industry in the Pensacola region. 

May 30, 2013
Following a citizen’s complaint to the State Attorney’s Office, Santa Rosa County Attorney, Angela Jones, has decided she will no longer alter or allow alteration of ordinances following the county issuing public notices and provided public inspection but prior to enactment.

May 30, 2013
Certain meetings held by the Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners are now off limits to the public, following approval of an idea suggested by County Attorney Angela Jones.   Jones, citing an exemption in Florida Statutes, advised commissioners to consider a policy excluding the public from meetings involving: 

May 30, 2013
Santa Rosa County consistently scores high in annual FCAT testing, but this year third graders tied for first, achieving the highest FCAT math scale scores in the state, which has 67 counties.  Additionally, fourth, eighth and tenth grade students each tied for third highest in the state for mean scale score in writing, according to school district officials.
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