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Jun 3, 2021
A parcel along U.S. Highway 87 at its intersection with Hickory Hammock Road got the go ahead for rezoning from rural residential agriculture to highway commercial development at the May 27 Board of County Commissioners Special Rezoning Meeting.

Jun 2, 2021
Approximately ten individuals were involved in a brawl at Stripes Pub and Grill May 15. Knives were flashed, punches were thrown and faces were kicked. One man held a knife eye level to another man’s face and told him, “I’m going to cut your hair off.”

Jun 2, 2021
Debate continues about whether an RV park would be allowed on Navarre Beach, with the final decision likely coming before the Board of County Commissioners.

Jun 2, 2021
If you’re not well-versed in shorebirds, the snowy plover may look a lot like the busy little sanderlings that run up and down the wave line trying to spot what the waves have uncovered.

Jun 1, 2021

State Attorney Ginger Bowden Madden announced that on May 28, Dean Allen Matthews was convicted by a Santa Rosa County jury on three counts of sexual battery with force likely to cause serious personal injury.

Immediately after the trial, Circuit Judge John Simon sentenced Matthews to three life sentences.

May 31, 2021
More than 100 people gathered at Navarre Park Memorial Day morning to remember those who gave their life for freedom. Red, white and blue wreaths were hung by the American and POW/MIA flags that flew at half-mast.

May 31, 2021

Billy Neal loves the American flag. At age 75, Neal still enjoys working outside on flagpoles and making sure the stars and stripes are swaying in the wind.

The Navarre man started his flagpole business in 2001 when he first moved to Navarre and named it “Flying High, Flying Proud.” He has installed flagpoles all over Navarre, including flagpoles at Navarre Press and Cayo Grande Apartments.

May 30, 2021

Nearly an hour before the sun rose on the Friday morning of a busy Memorial Day weekend, Tanner Haynes was on the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier hoping to catch something. But as the hours passed since his 5 a.m. start time, nearly six in all, the odds of a catch seemed stacked against him.

That is until he finally got a bite on his line and was able to reel it in fairly easily. His catch on this day was a mahi mahi.

May 28, 2021
Memorial Day weekend has started out on a tragic note for a 22-year-old man who jumped off the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier into shallow water to impress his friends, according to Navarre Rescue Fire Chief Danny Fureigh.

May 28, 2021
Emergency operations officials in Santa Rosa County are gearing up for the hurricane season, though perhaps not as aggressively as in years past.
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