State Sen. Gaetz suffers ‘medical emergency’ at Milton event
Written by Hansen Hasenberg on . Posted in Milton, News.
Cook: County to advertise RFPs for old courthouse
Written by Ken Garner on . Posted in Milton, News.
DOMES plans for legislative session, Santa Rosa site still in works
Written by Hansen Hasenberg on . Posted in Milton, News.
Reflections on an amazing night: It is pure magic
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Community, Milton.
State representative announces 2022 art competition winners
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Community, Milton.
Legal #3911 Notice of Sale
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Legal, Milton.
The following vehicle will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy the lien on the vehicle for towing and storage fees owed. The sale will be held 10:00 am (cst) on December 12th, 2021 at JR’S Paint & Body, Inc., 5933 Graham Lane, Milton in Santa Rosa County in the State of Florida. If the owner cares to recover said vehicle they may bring the amount of the charges in cash only before the date and time of sale to JR’S Paint & Body and the vehicle will be surrendered to them. Sales in accordance with FL Statue 713.7 and 713.78.
2010 PONT- 1G2ZA5E06A4136688
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Mercedes Renee Westherford
6784 Hanworth LN
Zephyrhills, FL 33541
4701 Briaroak DR
Milton, FL 32571
Advance America Center Of Alabama
135 N Church ST
Spartanburge, SC 29306
Total fees owed as of October 6th 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
1987 Jeep-1JCMR7813HT083882
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Samuel Freeman Shiver JR
820 Graham RD
Cantonment, FL 32533
Total fees owed as of November 3rd 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
2007 AERT-47CTDFN277F800962
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Michael Harris McHatton
6404 W LA Rua ST
Pensacola, FL 32506
Brenda Baldwin McHatton
6404 W LA Rua ST
Pensacola, FL 32506
Total fees owed as of November 4th 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
1991 CHEV-1GCCS14Z8M8295426
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Patricia Kay McLean
7999 Rex DR
Milton, FL 32570
Jimmy Cole Hardy
7999 Rex DR
Milton, FL 32570
Direct General INS CO
5905 Hampton Oaks PKWY
Tampa, FL 33610
Total fees owed as of November 3rd 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
2007 FORD-1FTPW14V27KD11453
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Jonathan Echele
402 Ridgewood DR
Daphne, AL 36526
Navy Federal Credit Union
PO BOX 3000
Merrifield, VA 22119
Total fees owed as of November 3rd 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
2007 NISSAN-1N4AL21E07N401553
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Escobar-Garcia Jeimy Rosibel
14376 South BLVD Lot 45
Silverhill, AL 36576
Total fees owed as of November 5th 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
2005 CHRY-2C3JA53G65H612993
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
James Martinez MC Cloud
1807 Brainerd ST
Pensacola, FL 32503
Titlemax Of Alabama
15 Bull ST STE 200
Savannah, GA 31401
Total fees owed as of November 3rd 2021 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.
Legal # 3911
Public Notice # 2427 – Notice of Public Meetings – SRC
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Legal, Milton.
All Board of County Commission Meetings and other county department meetings are held in the County Administrative Center Board Room, 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, Florida, unless otherwise indicated.
Blackwater Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting December 2 7:30 a.m.
Jay Service Center, 3927 Hwy. 4 Suite 102, Jay
Commission Committee December 6 4:30 p.m.
Marine Advisory December 7 5:00 p.m.
Building Code Board of Adjustments December 8 2:30 p.m.
Commission Regular December 9 8:00 a.m.
Commission Special Rezoning Meeting December 9 6:00 p.m.
Parks and Recreation December 22 5:30 p.m.
Santa Rosa County adheres to the American Disabilities Act and will make reasonable modifications and accommodations for access to these hearings upon request. Request may be made to the County’s Director of Risk Management at 850-983-1863, TTY 711, or and must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing in order to provide a reasonable accommodation. Agendas and minutes are also available at All meetings held in the Board Room are recorded on DVD and available for purchase and most can be viewed live and/or replayed at this web site by selecting the meeting from the main page.
Public Notice # 2427
Public Notice # 2426 – Notice of Public Meeting – SRC Schools
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Legal, Milton.
The School Board of Santa Rosa County, Florida, hereby gives notice that it will conduct a public workshop on December 9, 2021 at Canal Street Offices, at 5086 Canal Street, Milton FL 32570 at 5:00 pm.
The School Board of Santa Rosa County, Florida, will also conduct a public Board meeting on December 9, 2021, at Canal Street Offices, 5086 Canal Street, Milton, FL 32570 at 6:30 pm.
The public can participate by attending the meetings in-person or by watching the meetings via-live stream at Those desiring to provide public comment may do so in-person or by submitting comments, physical evidence, or other evidence to the following email address, and placing “Public Comment” in the subject line of the email message, or by mailing comments or evidence to Superintendent Dr. Karen Barber at 6032 Hwy. 90, Milton Fl 32570. All emails and other communications and evidence received by 4:00 pm CST on December 8, 2021 will be provided to Board Members in advance of the meeting and will be posted on the Board’s website along with the minutes of the Board Meeting. The public is advised that all comments and evidence received will be public records.
Additional information about this Board meeting can be obtained from Joseph Harrell, by email at, or by telephone at (850) 983-5123.
Dated this 18th day of November, 2021.
By: Dr. Karen Barber, Superintendent of Schools
Public Notice # 2426
Milton crash injures two
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Milton, News.