UPDATE: New possible high school site found – at the flea market
Arkansas man reunited with lost championship ring
Commission formally installs new (temporary) county leaders
Man found dead in Blackwater River
Gulf Breeze hosting black bear town hall
Virgin motor oil overflows tank at new truck stop
Haunted trail organizers say new noise ordinance could shut them down
Organizers of a Halloween haunted trail are seeking a variance to the noise ordinance for an event held Friday and Saturday evenings beginning in late September and ending just before Halloween.
The Halloween-themed trail is in Jay and proceeds support the Santa Rosa Kids House and various high school programs, the application states.
Two seriously injured in U.S. Highway 98 wreck
A Saturday afternoon wreck on U.S. Highway 98 sent two women to the hospital in serious condition, one by air ambulance.
The accident happened at around 4:30 at the highway’s intersection with Blue Tip Drive.
Residents claim contamination – no documents provided
Navarre Mardi Gras parade in planning stages
The 36th Annual Navarre Mardi Gras Parade is on the calendar for Feb. 19, pending Tuesday’s approval by the Board of County Commissioners.
The parade, which was cancelled this year due to concerns about crowding during the ongoing pandemic, draws about 40,000 spectators, according to the letter submitted to the BOCC with the application.