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Nov 24, 2021

Nearly 80 years have passed since Mike Swierc vaulted over the side of a ship hundreds of yards off Utah Beach during the first wave of the D-Day invasion.

But for Swierc, a 100-year-old Coast Guard veteran, the memories of those fateful days and nights have not faded from his mind.

Nov 23, 2021
Circuit Judge Gary Bergosh was recently selected by the Escambia-Santa Rosa Bar Association to be honored at the statewide inaugural The Florida Patriot: Honoring Legal Leader Veterans virtual event Nov. 8.

Nov 23, 2021
A lift station at 4121 Madura Road has been taken out of service until repairs can be made after it was discovered that wastewater was leaking into the Santa Rosa Sound.

Nov 23, 2021

A baby orangutan born two months ago at Gulf Breeze Zoo has been hand-raised by zoo staff to make up for her mom’s lack of “maternal instincts,” according to a press release.

“We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving,” said Jamie McMaster, Director of Gulf Breeze Zoo. “Every birth to our zoo is significant, but this particular arrival is especially exciting since orangutans are a critically-endangered species.”

Nov 23, 2021

Without any fanfare or visible changes other than a new banner with a new name of Brookview at Navarre Sound draped over the former entry sign that once read, The Sound at Navarre Beach, the complex sold earlier this month for $60.5 million. The sale is forecast to add an additional $500,000 to the county coffers annually.

Their goal was to build and bring jobs to Navarre and not just create an investment for themselves.

Nov 22, 2021

Carving out a time in his schedule to talk about being Woodlawn Beach Middle School’s Teacher of the Year is anything but easy for Paul Miller.

Miller is busy outside the classroom, handling a schedule that includes singing in two local choirs as well as a professional choir.

Nov 22, 2021

After two homicides in Navarre in less than a week, Santa Rosa Sheriff Bob Johnson held a press conference Monday to share details of the two deadly shootings.

“Two [homicides] in four days puts a definite strain on our major crimes unit, our evidence unit and our crime scene units but they came out in stellar fashion and both these were concluded within three or four days,” Johnson said.

Nov 22, 2021

Governor Ron DeSantis announced Monday that during the upcoming legislative session, he is proposing more than $1 billion in gas tax relief for Floridians. This gas tax holiday will save up to $200 for the average Florida family.

“Gas prices have been rising due to inflationary pressures from bad federal policies, so we here in Florida need to step up and provide relief to our citizens,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Today, I am proposing that during session, the Florida Legislature provide more than $1 billion in gas tax relief for Florida families. This will have a positive impact on millions of Floridians.” 

According to a press release from the governor’s office, DeSantis is proposing a five-month gas tax holiday.

Nov 21, 2021
Members of the Navarre Beach Leaseholders & Residents Association learned Saturday from District 4 Commissioner Dave Piech that there will be a pre-application meeting for a new hotel on Navarre Beach.

Nov 21, 2021
Ginger Bowden Madden announced Nov. 18, Dean Bruno Lainhart was sentenced to life in Florida’s Department of Corrections by Santa Rosa County Circuit Court Judge Darlene Dickey on two counts of capital sexual battery upon a person less than 12 years of age by a defendant over 18 years of age.
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