‘To be a veteran is more than a word’
Navarre turned out for the Nov. 11 community ceremony honoring veterans, with hundreds of people filling Navarre Park’s pavilion and crowding around it. Among those in attendance were the Navarre High School Naval JROTC, two Boy Scout troops and a number of service organizations from the area.
The speaker, retired Chief Warrant Officer Vernon Ward, told those gathered that to be a veteran means to embrace something greater than themselves.
Navarre wins Soup Bowl, loses Beach Bowl
Caring and Sharing of South Santa Rosa County is grateful to Gulf Breeze High School and Navarre High School for their school spirit and support in sponsoring another ‘Caring and Sharing Beach Soup Bowl Challenge’ by competing in a collection of nonperishable food items.
Navarre High School brought in 7,641 cans compared to Gulf Breeze’s 2,385 items.