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Cochrane takes aim at Wounded Warrior Games

Captain Chris Cochrane spent nearly a month in a coma after suffering two strokes while deployed three years ago.

“I spent three and a half weeks in a coma. When I finally woke up, I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t move my right arm or leg,” Cochrane said. “I had to relearn to talk and relearn to walk. It took the better part of eight months before I left the hospital.”

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Air Force Reminds Commanders: Authorized Conceal-Carry, Open-Carry OK on Base

The attack last July on a recruiting office in Tennessee has prompted the Air Force to remind commanders they may authorize qualified airmen to carry weapons on base while off duty and out of uniform. The Air Force on Wednesday said its review of "active-shooter incidents across the country" found that many ended without police intervention because someone present with a weapon stopped the shooter.

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Wing’s facility manager retires after 52 years of service

Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. -- In 1963, Beatlemania was only beginning. Troll dolls were the rage.  Gas was only 30 cents per gallon, and for less than a dollar you could go see Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra at the box office.  In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a dream speech," and President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

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J-Team setting up missions for success

Hurlburt Field, Fla. - Military operations require flexibility and they aren’t always in ideal locations. When needed, there is a team of civil engineers who are able to build and tear down small temporary bases in a short period of time for special operations forces in austere locations. 

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