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Jan 6, 2021

Literacy tutoring for dyslexics comes to Navarre

Garret, a friendly and precocious boy, was in the fourth grade, but could not read or write at a first-grade level. He was severely dyslexic. Carol Hale, the author of a series of books on reading techniques for teachers, was asked to help.

“I didn’t know a thing about dyslexia,” says Hale, “so I learned everything I could through books and seminars.”

Jan 4, 2021

For God’s Sake: Don’t do without thinking first

An essential industry tool back when I worked as an animator was the character sheet. The character sheet displayed sketches of the cartoon character we were animating.

The character designer produced it to show the animator what the character should look from different angles, in different poses and emotions.

Dec 30, 2020

Faith in Review: Churches changed in 2020

A bizarre year that all would love to forget, but none ever will, is behind us. It was a year when two alphabet’s worth of tropical systems assaulted the Gulf states, persistent wildfires scorched the western states, and massive tornadoes ripped through the Midwest.

Seamy political ads and noisy debates assailed our sensibilities and culminated in a hotly contested election.

Dec 20, 2020

Local churches observe four Sundays of Advent

On the last Sunday of November, many Christian churches worldwide observed the first of the four Sundays of Advent.

The name comes from the Latin “adventus,” translated, “coming, or arrival,” and this observance looks to two “comings.”

Dec 17, 2020

Looking for a Christmas service?

Many local churches are offering opportunities for you to celebrate Christmas this year. Here’s a listing of some of the services offered in the Navarre and Gulf Breeze area in the next week.

Dec 16, 2020

For God’s Sake: Free TV for price of kindness

My wife and I had a strange, wonderful experience recently. I was working from home when our doorbell rang. What used to be a childish prank – ring a doorbell then run away – is now the norm for package deliverers. I opened the door and propped up against the wall was an enormous, thin […]

Dec 10, 2020

For God’s Sake

I am from Canada where, as I say far too often to my wife, we speak the Queen’s good English. The first time she met my family, she was slightly intimidated by their precise diction and greatly amused by their accents and “quaint” vocabulary.

Dec 10, 2020

On a mission to serve

It’s 9 a.m. on a Tuesday and the doors of Waterfront Thrift Store in Gulf Breeze are open for business. George and Sylvia Fleetwood of Navarre tuck their car into a parking spot as other locals arrive to shop for bargains while helping a worthy cause.

But the Fleetwoods are not there to shop; they have come to serve as volunteers.

Dec 6, 2020

Let’s say grace

The second annual “Grace’s Place Family Dinner” was held outdoors the afternoon of Nov. 1 on the grounds of Covenant Community Church in Navarre.

A crowd of about 50 attended, with several participating in the featured event, a chili and soup cookoff. The winners were Wendy Justice for the best soup and Alex Ramirez for the best chili, each of whom took home a large gift basket.

Dec 4, 2020

For God’s Sake

There is a dog food commercial that makes me laugh. It begins with slow-motion footage of a sleek wolf bounding through the woods. The wolf leaps effortlessly over a log but then mid-leap, is transformed into a golden retriever that nails the landing and bounds off.

A voiceover explains that inside every dog there is the spirit of a wolf, so buy this company’s dog food. What makes me laugh is that, nearby, our “wolf,” a 15-year-old, 20-pound snaggle of fur, is laying on the floor snoring loudly and sporting a “male wrap,” which is kind of a doggie diaper.

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