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Jun 9, 2021

Midway First Assembly of God Church on East Bay Boulevard is now East Bay Church.

On a recent Sunday in a special presentation at the end of the service, lead pastor, Stacy Clearman, his wife Heidi, and the primary church leadership introduced to the congregation the idea of changing the name to East Bay Church.

Jun 2, 2021
Fran Bussard, who coordinates the volunteers for Waterfront Thrift Store in Gulf Breeze, has a message for the Navarre-Gulf Breeze community: “Thank you for the abundance of good donations to support the shelters in Pensacola and Mobile,” she said last week.

May 26, 2021

The Santa Rosa County Zoning Board and residents of Bagdad argued over a variance request to allow an internally illuminated sign in the Historic District of Bagdad at a meeting May 13.

The request was submitted by Bagdad First Assembly of God, located at 4513 Forsyth St. After about 45 minutes of discussion, the board recommended to deny the request.

May 19, 2021

On Sunday, May 9, families across the country honored that special person in our lives, our mothers.

Honoring mothers on Mother’s Day is a tradition in many churches and local churches joined in the celebration in different ways.

May 12, 2021

I was perusing some old photos of my parents from early in their marriage and found it strange to see them acting playfully like two young people in love.

I have no doubt that they loved one another, I just don’t recall seeing that playfulness growing up. Having brought nine children into this world, life was not easy for them.

May 12, 2021
“We aim to glorify God,” answered Jeremy Gault, pastor of Billory Baptist Church in Navarre when asked to sum up his congregation’s ministry. Gault has been pastor of this historic church since July 2017.

May 5, 2021

Whenever Apple introduces a new iPhone, eager crowds line up in the predawn hours outside Apple stores hoping to be one of the first to get the latest.

My wife and I have never been in that crowd; we keep our phones until they will not work anymore.

May 5, 2021
The little children fold their hands together saying, “Here is the church.” Hands still folded, they raise their two index fingers into a peak, “Here is the steeple.”

Apr 28, 2021

I got my second “jab,” as the Brits call the COVID-19 vaccine, and the “jabber” was good. I did not feel a thing, nor did I experience any significant side effects.

Now, depending on whom you care to believe, I am either safe from the coronavirus … or I am not.

Apr 27, 2021

Navarre First Assembly of God ( is soon to begin construction of a new facility on their current site, and the way it will be built is remarkable.

A team of retired tradespeople in their personal RVs will camp on the church grounds and perform much of the work.

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