Mar 9, 2017
Protesting the protesters
Lately protests have been taking place all over the country over new changes in our government. Sitting in Inkstand, watching the Inauguration, I began to wonder why people protest and is protesting a good thing to do.
Mar 9, 2017
Milk Chocolate vs Dark Chocolate
Most people believe that dark chocolate has more health benefits than milk chocolate. Many people love the sweeter version of milk chocolate with its’ added milk and sugar. Scientists have found a way to make the milky version just as healthy.
Mar 9, 2017
SNAG Golf Balls
Something exciting is happening in our very own PE department. SNAG! SNAG stands for Starting New at Golf. Our PE teachers have said this is a new program they are starting. This is perfect for elementary students because the equipment is smaller than adult golf equipment. Mrs. Hundley said SNAG was established by the ”National First Tee Association.” Our P.E teachers think it is important to inform us of the different ways to play golf. Students all around the world can get great scholarships to college by playing golf. If you show any talent, and a recruiter from a college likes you, they might offer you a scholarship, money, to attend their university. According to Athnet, “There have been cases of female golfers gaining full scholarships without ever having played golf. The reality is that hundreds of women’s golf scholarships go unused each year.” So, if you want this opportunity, come to our PE department and bring your PE shoes and desire to try golf….and they will teach you the rest.
Mar 2, 2017
Navarre reaches new height in orienteering competition
Nicolas Kaiser had the perfect quote when asked to describe the feeling of the Navarre JROTC unit taking fourth at the national orienteering meet in the mountains of Georgia earlier this month.
Mar 2, 2017
Santa Rosa seeks new teachers through hiring event
As college and university education majors flee their campuses for spring break fun, the Santa Rosa School District hopes to snag future talent through the Teaching Spots and Flip Flops teacher hiring event March 11.
Mar 2, 2017
Girls empowered to pursue STEAM careers
In scientific and mathematical fields, males out number females 4 to 1.
Feb 23, 2017
State grant to provide Santa Rosa homeless students with housing
A new housing grant will provide some of Santa Rosa’s more than 800 homeless students with a roof over their head in the coming months.
Feb 16, 2017
Students benefit from job fair experience
Dakota DeMars sat at a table in the Navarre High School cafeteria Tuesday morning filling out job applications.
Feb 16, 2017
Tax vote decides 33 percent of school budgets
The school district is pushing for voters to renew the half cent sales tax in March, but just how much of their budget do they stand to lose if it were not renewed for another 10 years?
Feb 9, 2017
C-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n helped by spelling bee
For Lili Rollins, 13, spelling is about more than just competing in spelling bees.