Feb 23, 2017
State grant to provide Santa Rosa homeless students with housing
A new housing grant will provide some of Santa Rosa’s more than 800 homeless students with a roof over their head in the coming months.
Feb 16, 2017
Students benefit from job fair experience
Dakota DeMars sat at a table in the Navarre High School cafeteria Tuesday morning filling out job applications.
Feb 16, 2017
Tax vote decides 33 percent of school budgets
The school district is pushing for voters to renew the half cent sales tax in March, but just how much of their budget do they stand to lose if it were not renewed for another 10 years?
Feb 9, 2017
C-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n helped by spelling bee
For Lili Rollins, 13, spelling is about more than just competing in spelling bees.
Feb 9, 2017
Intermediate students get cracking on coding
Holley Navarre Intermediate School students are learning the language of computers thanks to the school’s newly created Coding Club.
Feb 2, 2017
Students heading to state science fair
Eight Holley-Navarre Middle School students are headed to the state science fair.
Feb 2, 2017
Junior Audubon gets hands on with environmental issues
Holley Navarre Middle School students are getting hands on with environmental science thanks to the newly formed Junior Audubon Society Club.
Jan 26, 2017
Teacher of the Year announced
East Milton Elementary kindergarten teacher Kristen White was announced Friday as the Santa Rosa Teacher of the Year 2018 during a surprise visit to her classroom.
Jan 26, 2017
$3 million for 30 minutes
An extra 30 minutes of school time each day could cost an extra $3 million, but Santa Rosa Superintendent of Schools Tim Wyrosdick said it would be money well spent.
Jan 26, 2017
Losquadro represents county in Art in the Capitol competition
Holley Navarre Middle School art teacher Cara Sayer is quick to point out that Luke Losquadro is a “very talented art student.”