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Oct 30, 2023
The Santa Rosa County school board approved a health insurance program for school district teachers and other employees at a special meeting Tuesday, Oct. 24.

The health insurance program for 2024 was a point of contention at the Oct. 12 board meeting and was tabled until the special meeting. The insurance committee, which comes up with recommendations for the school board when it comes to insurance and risk management, met twice in October to hammer out the details of a plan that would be agreeable to district employees and the district itself.

Oct 27, 2023
Holley Navarre Middle School, East Bay K-8 and West Navarre Intermediate School held STEAM nights this week. STEAM is short for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Check out some photos from the STEAM nights.

Oct 26, 2023
A new south end high school is one step closer to becoming a reality after Santa Rosa County District Schools held a school board meeting Oct. 12.

The board approved a $102,792,900 bid from the Morette Company to build the south end high school, which will be named later. The school is expected to be complete by the start of school in 2026.

Oct 24, 2023
When most students (or people for that matter) think of the word “dissection,” they typically think of an animal, or maybe the smell of formaldehyde, but for students in Emily Simon and Danielle Hitchcock’s kindergarten classes, the word might conjure thoughts of a red and juicy fruit.

During September and October, the two teachers have been teaching lessons on various STEAM concepts using apples. STEAM is short for science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

Oct 19, 2023
After a nearly seven-hour meeting Oct. 12, the Santa Rosa County School Board is still waiting to approve the health insurance program for district employees. The current plan expires Dec. 31.

Oct 16, 2023
There is a little-known problem in Santa Rosa County’s schools. According to Santa Rosa County District Schools’ coordinator of federal programs Bobbie Lewter, the district has a poverty rate of 43.54 percent.

Oct 9, 2023
Oct. 2 marked National Custodian Appreciation Day. For Santa Rosa District Schools, it was an opportunity to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of school district and ABM staff who help keep our schools clean.

Oct 4, 2023
When House Bill 1 passed the Florida Legislature and was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis earlier this year, the expectation was that come the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, families would have expanded school choice access through an updated school voucher system, which notably includes an education savings account (ESA) for every Florida student.

Oct 2, 2023
Navarre High has announced its Homecoming Court for 2023. The queen will be named at Friday night’s game against Mosley. That game is slated for 7:30 p.m. at Bennett C Russell Stadium.
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