Jan 22, 2015
Amateur radio licensing class
Do you have a desire to help others in their time of need? Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to be able to talk to people on the other side of the world for free?
Jan 22, 2015
Bubba Watson purchases ownership in Pensacola Blue Wahoos
Two-Time Masters Champion Bubba Watson has purchased ownership in the Blue Wahoos Minor League baseball team located on Pensacola Bay.
Jan 15, 2015
Santa Rosa County tries again for Navarre Park grant funding
Santa Rosa County missed out on $150,000 in state grant funding for Navarre Park last July and resubmitted a $50,000 application in October. Now the county plans to seek $200,000 in federal grant funding for improvements.
Jan 15, 2015
‘Plane nuts’ descend on Navarre
Unlike most people, farmer Burl Scherler can step outside of his Colorado home, jump into his Cessna 210, and take off right from his front yard. In fact he did just that Friday afternoon, and nearly five hours later, he had left the cold of the Rockies for the slightly warmer temperatures of Navarre.
Jan 15, 2015
SRWC Program features Canine Companions
With her seventh dog-in-training at her side, LeAnne Pickering, a Canine Companions for Independence volunteer, spoke to GFWC-Santa Rosa Woman’s Club Jan. 6 at LaBrisa.
Pickering, a Pensacola resident and Gulf Breeze New York Life Financial Services Professional, is one of two CCI puppy raisers in the Escambia-Santa Rosa area, and one of 4,500 volunteers nationwide who train 3,500 dogs annually.
Jan 15, 2015
County accepting RESTORE project applications
Santa Rosa County is accepting proposals for projects to be included in the county’s RESTORE Multi-Year Implementation Plan. Approximately $4.3 million is available to Santa Rosa County in the first dollars offered through the RESTORE Act. This initial release of funding is a small part of an estimated $20 million to $75 million Santa Rosa County is expected to receive once litigation and Clean Water Act fines against BP are finalized. The complete request for proposals, with submittal criteria, guidance, and milestones, are available online at www.santarosa.fl.gov/bocc/restore.cfm.
Jan 8, 2015
Here’s looking at you Don and Helen Baker
Born in the old Sacred Heart Hospital, Don Baker was raised around Davis and Brent Lane where, almost daily, drivers, putting their cars in the same place at the same time, alerted the neighborhood to excitement.
Jan 1, 2015
Williamson looks to residents to set priorities
District 4 Commissioner Rob Williamson invites residents of Holley, Navarre and Navarre Beach to play an active role in developing an improvement plan for District 4 by completing a survey to help identify and prioritize the most important issues facing the community. The four-question survey is available at www.santarosa.fl.gov/bocc/district4survey.cfm. Paper copies of the survey can also be found and returned at any of the following locations:
Jan 1, 2015
Event to honor emergency responders
Law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, hospital personnel and other emergency responders from Escambia and Santa Rosa counties will be honored at a dinner at Pensacola Yacht Club, 1897 Cypress St., Jan. 24.
Jan 1, 2015
Hundreds brave the cold, dive into the New Year
For some, New Year’s Day would not be the same without coming out to the Penguin Plunge. For the sixth year in a row, revelers gathered at Juana’s to brave the cool weather and dive into the 62-degree water of Santa Rosa Sound.