Apr 18, 2013
Navarre Beach to welcome singer-songwriters
Navarre Beach will be filled with songwriters singing their lyrics May 16-19 for the first Navarre Beach Singer-Songwriter Festival.
Apr 11, 2013
Eric Paslay: Ready to give Navarre a bit of fun
The voice, the words and the instrumentals really are that good. Easy to spot in a crowd standing at 6-feet-4 with a shock of bright red hair, Eric Paslay is well on his way to being known for more than just his height and hair color.
Apr 11, 2013
Marine Science Station to host Autism OdysSea
Because every child deserves to experience the sea, Navarre Beach Marine Science Station is hosting Autism OdysSea from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on May 11 at science station.
Apr 4, 2013
Sea turtles receiving lots of human help
If you love the beach, then think about attending Earth Day … Islandstyle, Saturday, April 20, from 8 a.m.-noon at the Casino Beach and the Gulfside Pavilion on Pensacola Beach.
Apr 4, 2013
Tumbling in the down drift
Readers will immediately recognize the stretch of sand the body is discovered on and the mainland setting as Navarre Beach – as it should be.
Mar 28, 2013
Stone-crab harvest down, prices way up this year
MARATHON — In 46 years as a commercial fisherman, Gary Graves said he has never seen a stone crab harvest season as poor as this one. Graves, who runs Keys Fisheries in Marathon — the main supplier for Joe’s Stone Crab in Miami Beach — says his catches are down 40 percent since the season opened Oct 15.
Mar 28, 2013
Breaking the beach bottle neck
Spring and summer bring tourists to Navarre Beach and with the tourists come the cars. That’s when the Navarre Beach Causeway and Gulf Beach Boulevard becomes a parking lot.
Mar 21, 2013
Navarre Beach Bridge to be blue in April
The Navarre Beach Bridge and causeway will be decorated with blue ribbons in April to bring awareness to child abuse.
Mar 21, 2013
Marine science station seeks expansion
If Charlene Mauro is successful with her endeavors, the footprint of the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station will be that of a giant.
Mar 21, 2013
Marine sanctuary project evolves
The Navarre Beach Marine Sanctuary has moved forward on a project to develop beachside amenities and a large artificial reef off the coast to promote eco-tourism and water recreation such as kayaking and scuba diving.