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Mar 31, 2016

Lease fees overdue on hundreds of beach properties

More than 300 Navarre Beach leaseholders are at least 120 days behind on paying their lease fees in amounts totaling $348,145, according to Santa Rosa County finance records.

Mar 24, 2016

Turtle Center open for educational class

Everyone is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a resident sea turtle or two at the Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center, but that doesn’t stop volunteers from teaching without a turtle in the pool. The center has been providing educational classes called “Turtle Trek’s” during the month of March for a $5 donation. The last scheduled class is either 9:30 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. this Saturday, March 26. A maximum of 20 will be allowed to sign up in each class.

Mar 24, 2016

Lifeguards return for the season

March marks the return of the spring breakers along with the only thing that keeps them from hurting themselves: Navarre Beach Lifeguards. “We have hired eight guards this season and expect to hire another six,” Sonja Lusk of the Navarre Beach Water Department said. “The guards will be on duty seven days a week from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. We will have a minimum of two guards in each tower. Many of our guards are still in school and as they complete the school year, we will fill more positions.”

Mar 17, 2016

Homeschoolers’ Ocean Awareness Day colossal success

On Friday, March 11 about 150 homeschooled children and their families attended the Homeschoolers’ Ocean Awareness Day hosted by the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station. The event included educational and interactive displays concerning many topics related to both marine conservation and biology. Field studies of marine life, anatomy and physiology of marine creatures, sea turtle nesting and conservation, along with many other subjects were all taught by currently enrolled or graduated Pensacola State College student volunteers.

Mar 17, 2016

Beach renourishment delayed until mid-April

The $17 million dredge-and-fill project to restore sand that has been eroded from Navarre Beach can’t start on the planned date of April 1 because the contractor is delayed on another job near Sarasota.

Mar 3, 2016

Escambia County enacts new open container ordinance

Escambia County has adopted a new ordinance effective Mar. 1 restricting open containers in public areas of the commercial district of Pensacola Beach.  Residents and visitors can no longer consume or possess any alcoholic beverages in an open container in the public areas within the commercial district like sidewalks, boardwalks, roads and parking lots.  It is, however, permissible to have an open container on the sandy portions of the beach, except the family area of Casino Beach just west of the Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier.

Feb 25, 2016

Navarre Beach ranked among best in the country

Florida’s best kept secret remains a favorite destination amongst travelers, and the secret may be getting out.  Navarre Beach has been named one of the top beaches in the country in the annual TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards.

Feb 18, 2016

New Years’ plunge nets big donation to Fisher House

Kevin, Rene and Marie Rudzki, representing Juana’s, presented the Fisher House with a $9,370 check on Feb. 12. “The check represents proceeds raised during our Penguin Plunge event on New Year’s Day,” Marie Rudzki said. “We have partnered with the Fisher House for the last five years. Over those years we have raised more than $30,000 for the Fisher House. We chose to partner with the Fisher House because of the community’s strong ties to the military,”

Feb 18, 2016

Beach restoration crews busy elsewhere

The $15 million dredge-and-fill restoration of Navarre Beach planned to begin around April 1 could be postponed for months because the equipment and crews are behind schedule on similar projects in Delaware and Sarasota counties.

Feb 11, 2016

Marine Science Station getting WeatherSTEM unit

Sometimes it really is a small world.

In fact, it’s part of the reason why a WeatherSTEM unit will soon be installed at the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station.

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