Out and About

I’ve run into a lot of anxiety in my “friends” who are younger than 45. (Okay, now I’m sounding old.) I recently checked out a book that I think everyone should read, but especially those under 45 who didn’t have parents who went through a war or the Great Depression. “Fundamental things that never change about life.” 1. Everything changes and ends. 2. Things don’t always go according to your plans. 3. Life isn’t fair. 4. Pain is part of life, and 5. People aren’t always loving and loyal – including you. (I added that last part.)
I know that I have gained more from challenging circumstances in my life than the easy ones. When I was just striking out on my own and having to scrape by – it made me scrappy, which is a good trait to have, as it turns out. I was complaining to my dad about having hardly any money to buy groceries. Instead of sending money he told me, “When you look back, these times will be some of your most treasured memories.” He was right, as usual.
Because I believe God ultimately has everything under control, I’ve been able lean on Him and know that life is cyclical. It isn’t all bad, and it isn’t all good, but in the end, all things work together for good. And because I read the Bible and believe what it says, I try my best to live by these verses in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 “16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances … This doesn’t convey to rejoice FOR the circumstances, but IN the circumstances. Why? Because you absolutely will be IN circumstances and can learn a lot from less-than-optimal circumstances. Rough times help you appreciate the good circumstances even more. The challenging circumstances you are going through and that I’m going through or have gone through don’t have the last word. It is just part of life, the ups and downs. I know that if it weren’t for the bumps in the road, the unexpected twists or turns, I wouldn’t be the person I am today or the person I will be in ten years. My friends and family wouldn’t even like the person I was before I went through a lot of tough times. That is why it is important not to protect children from the consequences of their mistakes. Let them fail (as long as it isn’t fatal) and suffer the circumstances. Don’t sugar coat life. Life is tough but it is also a lot of fun … especially if you are the roller coaster type like I am. The highs are very high, but the lows are stomach wrenching.
Quote of the Week: “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” Steve Maraboli (1975 – ) Speaker. Author. Athlete. Veteran.