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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
I’m sure you have heard by now but this is worth repeating. You are reading one of the best newspapers in the state of Florida – and we have the trophy to prove it. Last Friday in Naples, Florida, our newspaper earned 16 first place awards for journalism, three overall first place awards (meaning first place in all divisions) and the top award of Newspaper of the Year! They found our coverage to be second to none in sports, health/medical, in-depth reporting, headline writing, photography, First Amendment defense, the overall design of our newspaper,  local tax reporting, environmental reporting and nearly every other section of our paper. We are so proud to be part of something so much bigger than ourselves (Navarre Press core value) and to provide our readers with excellence only. Thank you for being our cheerleaders! You can see all of the coverage that won throughout this issue and in the spread of section B.


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