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Month: September 2014

Obesity rates stem from lack of knowledge

Sixty-six percent of all Americans and 30 percent of children are considered overweight or obese. Under-eating and lack of nutrition know-how are the two biggest obesity-causing culprits according to Katelyn Roberts, manager of the Metabolic Research Center in Shalimar, Fla.

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Momentum Navarre launches with 298 attendees

“We’re not your Grandma’s church,” said lead pastor Tim Payne as he welcomed 298 people to the Navarre launch of Momentum Church at Navarre High School. “We remove roadblocks so people who are far from God don’t have to go over speed bumps or hurdles to get to God.”

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SRC students certified job ready

By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 787 local high school students shaved off anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 of the cost toward nailing down a future career. These students walked away from graduation with a diploma and industry certifications like agricultural technician, ASE suspension and steering, Adobe Illustrator expert and Pharmacy technician.

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Bus drivers threaten action

Discontent among some public school bus drivers is reaching a fevered pitch. More than a dozen drivers showed up at the Sept. 11 Santa Rosa School Board meeting, complaining that Durham School Services, the district’s transportation provider, disrespects employees and fails to maintain its fleet of 214 buses.

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Out and About

If you thought citizens did not seem to care about the fate of their own community, you were in for a surprise. If you were late to the Sept. 15 and 16 incorporation town hall meetings, you were also in for two hours of standing.

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President Obama Reveals ISIL Strategy

In his Wednesday night address to the Nation, the President finally laid out many of the appropriate steps required to address the ISIL threat, as he came to the realization that his policy of sitting out and leading from behind is simply not a credible option. He is correct in seeking a coalition of not just NATO partners, but also Middle Eastern allies. Additionally, he stated support to the Government of Iraq and friendly forces in Kurdistan, while mentioning the requirement to involve moderate Sunnis in both Iraq and Syria. If his actions reflect his words, our strategy will certainly see air strikes commence in Syria and continue in Iraq, while we increase the number of American troops on the ground and utilization of intelligence assets.

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