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Top tips for training your dog

| Staff Reporters
Sit. Stay. Heel. These simple commands can make a huge difference in the life of a pet parent. Whether you’re introducing a new dog or puppy to the family, or you have a dog with some behavior issues, training can help ensure a well-adjusted pet and a happier family.
ROYALTY FREE. PETSMART EXCLUSIVE. Photographer: Steve Craft 2012 Training Shoot July 10-13, 2012 Original File Name: _0544 PetSmart Contact re: job: Jaci Scully or Brian Davis All Models involved in this shoot: Ann Stryker Julie Harding Steve Tackin Michael Stone Krystal Dellheim Davian James Carol Jefferson Richard Muliyil Bridgette Sessions Dan Nienhauser Andrean Palmer Lucy Hwang Dogs: A-1 Animal Talent See Photo Release forms for more details. Description: Store aisle, shake/high five; Trainer with pet parent and puppy, pet parent and dog in background


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