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For God’s Sake: Soli Deo Gloria

November 22, 2023
Despite the Christmas decorations in department stores, it is Thanksgiving Day, the day which, in theory, we give thanks. The question that sits before us like the proverbial, giant turkey in the r…

For God’s Sake: He called me

November 13, 2023
My wife and I are not “beach people.” We could be living in Nebraska for the few times we have been to the beach in the last five years. It takes having out of town company to get us there. Our att…

For God’s Sake: Trust in Christ

November 6, 2023
It has happened again despite our best efforts to stave off such travesties. We purchased bags of candy anticipating a steady stream of costumed neighborhood kids and only a handful of them showed …

For God’s Sake: Learn Truth

October 30, 2023
These days, I am toting two smartphones, one is my personal phone, the other is the church phone. Friends raise their eyebrows whenever I lay my two phones on a table at restaurants. They give me a…

For God’s Sake: Preach the Word

October 23, 2023
A few weeks ago, I celebrated one more birthday by adding another notch to my belt. You see, each year on my birthday, my one request of my wife is that she prepare for me an obscene quantity of my…

For God’s Sake: Worship God in spirit and in truth

October 16, 2023
Every week for the past 35 years of ministry, I have thought about what is essential in corporate worship. I am a musician, and when I came to faith in Christ in a small, south Florida church, I na…

For God’s Sake: The true God remains unchanged

October 9, 2023
In this morning’s news, nestled among the latest updates on Taylor Swift’s love life, was an article reporting the growing number of America’s non-religious. Pollsters have been reporting on the gr…

For God’s Sake: Serving a hungry congregation

October 2, 2023
In 2005, celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver, launched a bold initiative to improve the substandard quality of food served to children in Britain’s school cafeterias. A decade later he reported that his i…

For God’s Sake: Slowly, steadily, God has brought people to COMPASS

September 11, 2023
I had been a pastor for eight years before I enrolled in a seminary. When I first met the seminary’s director of church planting, he said, “Have you ever given any thought to planting a church? Y…

For God’s Sake: ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved’

September 5, 2023
Last week as Hurricane Idalia roared up the gulf coast of Florida, my phone chimed with messages and calls from family and friends asking about our wellbeing.
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