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Military, News

Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron named best in DOD

| Staff Reporters
Hurlburt Field, Fla. — The Department of Defense named the 801st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron the 2015 winner of the Phoenix Award for Maintenance Excellence, during this year’s secretary of defense awards ceremony held Dec. 8.
U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Meagan Schutter Airmen with the 801st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron perform maintenance on a CV-22B Osprey gear box at Hurlburt Field Fla., July 20, 2015. The 801st SOAMXS’s mission is to perform all equipment maintenance in support of worldwide special operations missions in response to national command authority taskings for the CV-22B Osprey and the MC-130H Talon II. Maintenance includes aircraft servicing, phase inspections, troubleshooting, repair, modifications and launch recovery for all aircraft.


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