Set Free Refuge to host Seeds of Strength Gala Jan. 26

Specializing in strength and healing, local nonprofit Set Free Refuge is a safe place for sexually exploited and human trafficked women to break free from the mental and physical bounds of the sex industry. Set Free Refuge believes every sexually exploited and human trafficked woman can find freedom, healing, and restoration. They strive to guide these women on their journey of healing.
Set Free Refuge will be hosting their 2nd annual gala Friday, Jan. 26 at St. Sylvester Catholic Church. This year, the evening will be called “Seeds of Strength.”
“When you are working with individuals in a mental health capacity, you’re really planting seeds of strength in them, and you aren’t always going to see the fruit of it,” said Marcie Rey Landreth, executive director of Set Free Refuge. “Other people will come along their journey and water the seeds, but we are planting them.”

Calling the evening “Seeds of Strength” is a different way to empower the survivors. The power of healing is truly in their hands.
“There’s this tendency to think that we are going in and rescuing them, but in a lot of ways – when it comes to the healing part of the journey – they’re rescuing themselves,” Landreth said.
Set Free Refuge walks alongside the survivor and guides her through her healing journey.
“We have to walk with them and sow those good things back into their life, Landreth said. “The strength and hope and forgiveness and love and resilience… So that they can live out a life that is empowered and a life that is their own.”

Set Free Refuge is expecting 200 people at the gala. They are looking for major sponsors to help with the cost of the event and with fundraising. Businesses or individuals can sponsor a table for $600.
The evening will be similar to last year’s gala but have different components.
“Last year we had hors d’oeuvres. This year we’re going to have a fun twist on dinner,” Landreth said. “We are also bringing in a guest speaker.”
The Set Free Refuge team is planning some exciting changes for 2024 and they are looking forward to sharing them with the community at the Seeds of Strength Gala.
Recently, they received a $5,000 grant from the United Way for marketing and rebranding.
“There are a lot of different things happening at Set Free, which are all really great because we are learning how to better serve our community and to better be a part of the ecosystem of transformational change for human trafficking survivors in our area.”
So, mark your calendar for Friday, Jan. 26. You won’t want to miss this formal attire event for a great cause. Contact the Set Free Refuge office at 850-463-5191 if you’re interested in sponsoring the event in any capacity or would like to purchase a ticket.

Landreth wants to thank the amazing group of volunteers Set Free has this year that are soliciting businesses to donate silent auction items and sponsorships for the gala, headed by their fundraising coordinator Sherry Clynch.
“We couldn’t do this without you,” she said.
Set Free Refuge
8418 East Bay Boulevard, Navarre, FL 32566