A new program at the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station will soon be allowing students to see what’s under the sea and then stay the night on the beach.
Navarre High School sent three swimmers to Regionals based on their individual performances, while the boys’ 200-yard freestyle relay team also qualified for the Regional meet.
The Lady Raiders won the season opener in dominating fashion with a 9-1 victory against Catholic High in Pensacola last Tuesday. They followed that up with a 2-1 win over Mosley on Wednesday.
The Navarre High School boys soccer team had a win and a tie last week as it tied Gulf Breeze 2 – 2 on Oct. 29 and beat Choctaw 2 – 0 two days later in a preseason tourney held at the Twin Oaks Complex in Niceville. Coach Zac Preston was more interested in seeing his team perform under real playing conditions rather than the final score of the games.
Jake Dunlop, a member of the North Carolina Radio Broadcasters Hall of Fame, began learning the radio and television directors’ trade in 1949. In 1950, he became TV director for WOITV in Iowa. And at the time of his retirement from television in 1992, Jake was Director of the North Carolina Public Television Network.
Pet Nation went to the dogs last Saturday as more than 40 costumed canines participated in the Navarre pet store’s annual costume contest. The fur was flying on a windy day, and there were wardrobe malfunctions, but the cuteness factor was as high as Molly the cheerleader’s yelp on a doggone fun day.
Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, and for many people represents their only four-day holiday. So what better time to offer license-free fishing days? Friday, Nov. 29, will be a license-free freshwater fishing day, followed by a saltwater license-free day on Nov. 30.
Navarre’s Raider Battalion had the opportunity to tour and sleep aboard the retired ship, the USS Alabama, last week. A group of 40 cadets made the trip — the male cadets one day and the female cadets followed on the next day.
Taco Bell has come down and I’m looking forward to having one of the more modern looking Taco Bell buildings like the ones in our neighboring communities. It will also be great to have more options for local employment. I met several of the young people that worked at the Navarre Taco Bell at the time of the fire and even though they were offered employment at other Taco Bells, they didn’t want to drive to Niceville and Crestview for minimum wage.
At just 11 years old, aspiring actor Sebastion Passmore can say that he has shared the screen with big-name actors Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Garner. The sixth grader, from Milton, plays a small role in the new movie “Dallas Buyers Club,” and is hoping his big screen debut will lead to a full-time acting career in the future.