Trump administration deserves skepticism
In a recent column your publisher claimed that the Navarre Press was unbiased and then called out several other major news outlets for not positively reporting on the “Trump Bump” in the stock market.
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Letters to the Editor, Opinion.
In a recent column your publisher claimed that the Navarre Press was unbiased and then called out several other major news outlets for not positively reporting on the “Trump Bump” in the stock market.
Written by Sandi Kemp on . Posted in Opinion, Out and About.
The Pensacola Ice Flyers have a home game both Friday and Saturday nights this week. Friday is Military Appreciation Night where Active Duty and retired military receive 25 percent off. Saturday is Mardi Gras Night and will include a parade and bead toss. If you are an All-Access Navarre Press subscriber, we have tickets for you. You can also upgrade your subscription and receive tickets for this weekend.
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Editorial, Opinion.
“Homeless in Paradise” ran in big letters on the front page a week ago as the Navarre Press took a deeper look at the suffering of those in our own county, and following the publication, we had one concerned citizen come into our office to look for deeper answers.
Written by Sandi Kemp on . Posted in Opinion, Out and About.
We are feeling very parental at Navarre Press. We love seeing our “children” that we watched grow up go out into the world and do something good or great. I know there are more out there that we never hear about, but we keep our ears to the ground. We could use your ears too. And, all that to say – WOW! It was fun to watch Jordan Leggett on just about every play last night in Tampa during the Championship Game. Our sports guy would have kept up with every move he made except he was at a Raider soccer game. And, I have a lot of friends that are Alabama fans but I’m sure they would admit that it made losing a little bit bearable knowing that one of the Clemson players that made it happen was Navarre’s own Jordan Leggett. We are beaming with pride here at Navarre Press and we hope you are too.
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Letters to the Editor, Opinion.
In response to Brian Out Loud! Dec. 22, I’d like to voice appreciation to Brian Lester and the Navarre Press for the continued and focused coverage of our high school sports. Brian is diligent in his coverage of high school sporting events and always does a great job in the write up and photos. In reading the press on my son, Austin, in the last weeks of his senior cross-country season, it’s a realization of how fast these high schoolers’ four years go by! Being in The Navarre Press makes their achievements extra special. Thanks for covering all the Navarre athletes and high school activities.
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in News.
Navarre Press reporter Rob Johnson asked Bob Hutchison, a longtime resident of Holley by the Sea and vice president of its homeowners group, for his thoughts and ideas about the flooding threat in that community. He began by recounting some of the development’s history.
Written by Sandi Kemp on . Posted in Opinion, Out and About.
This Friday is the opening game for the Pensacola Ice Flyers’ 2016-2017 season. The Ice Flyers will raise their championship banner and receive their 2016 championship rings. Navarre Press has tickets for our All-Access subscribers. You can call our office to subscribe and receive 2 tickets to the game.
Written by Sandi Kemp on . Posted in Opinion, Out and About.
I am very proud of the Navarre Press staff with the outcome of our 18 awards presented last week in Sarasota. However, the awards we received were for our work in 2015. We are much better now in 2016 because we are always getting better. We don’t have time to rest on our laurels – and what fun would that be anyway? While it is nice to be recognized, we don’t do what we do for the awards. We have a passion for informing our community and we live by our core value of “excellence is our ordinary.” Recognition is just icing on the cake. Maybe next week we will share with you some of the things we learned from our sessions. Better yet, we will show you in the weeks and months to come.
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in Education.
The Navarre Press asked residents and participants of the Adult Civics Class questions from an average middle-school civics course. There answers ranged from spot on to left of field.
Written by Staff Reporters on . Posted in News.
A familiar name and face is returning to the Health page of Navarre Press. Some of our readers may remember Shana Roberson, who contributed some great stories to the pages of the community newspaper. Roberson will now lend her writing talents to the Health page, giving her insights into eating right, getting active and living an overall happier life.