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Military, News

Pako, the Zombie Dog

| Staff Reporters
Eglin Air Force Base – The dog lay on the table struggling to breathe in the throes of a severe heat stroke.  Pako, a 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog, thrashed around wildly. His vital signs were fading fast.  At one point, his pulse vanished.  Pako’s heart stopped.
Staff Sgt. Radames Leon and Pako are a 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog team at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. Last year, on a hostile suspect exercise, Pako suffered a heat stroke and almost lost his life. The base veterinary clinic helped revive him and bring him back through CPR procedures. He beat almost insurmountable odds (for dogs) to survive heat stroke and CPR to make a full recovery. (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.) (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.)


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