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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
Our core values at Navarre Press include, “The truth is our currency.” We deal in the truth, and that is a huge responsibility that we do not take lightly. Our entire business model is built on the truth. And, it can be a dangerous business because there are people that do not like their truth. Sometimes, I don’t like mine and I don’t get angry about it, I just resolve in myself that I’m going to do what it takes to change. That is what makes life interesting. We are constantly changing. Last week we had two problems with two different ads that were brought to my attention before the paper ever hit the streets. My first thought was that I was so embarrassed, my second was, maybe they won’t notice, and then my third was, of course they are going to notice because we are a newspaper and it is our business to make people notice – that is why we sell ads in the first place – duh. I’m normal. I have all the normal flight or fight reactions to bad situations. I called the decisionmakers for both and told them what our mistake was, and then I told them how we were going to make it up to them. I also put the systems in place where we could minimize the probability of the mistakes ever happening again. Both of them were very gracious and were very happy with the proposed plan to make it up to them. But, it could have gone very differently, and I was prepared for that too.  Stuff happens, and it happens here too. There are a lot of moving parts to putting this paper together each weeks and mistakes happen. I want to be the one to bring the mistakes up – before they are casually found by others. But, if you find a mistake – please let us know. I’ll immediately want to turn back time so that it will have never happened, but quickly, I’ll deal with the reality at hand.


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