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Legal & Public Notices

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The following vehicle will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy the lien on the vehicle for towing and storage fees owed. The sale will be held 10:00 am (cst) on November 15th, 2022 at JR’S Paint & Body, Inc., 5933 Graham Lane, Milton in Santa Rosa County in the State of Florida. If the owner cares to recover said vehicle they may bring the amount of the charges in cash only before the date and time of sale to JR’S Paint & Body and the vehicle will be surrendered to them. Sales in accordance with FL Statue 713.7 and 713.78.

2014 NISS-3N1CN7AP6EK444733
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
PACE, FL 32571

PO BOX 30660
Total fees owed as of October 10TH 2022 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.

2001 MAZD-4F2YU09171KM25062
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
Total fees owed as of October 10TH 2022 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.

2006 CHEV-1G1ZT51FX6F217004
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
6428 EVA ST
MILTON, FL 32570
Total fees owed as of October 10TH 2022 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.

2003 CHEV-1GNDS13S532289780
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
MILTON, FL 32570
Total fees owed as of October 21ST 2022 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.

2003 WILDCAT-4X4FWCC284V006946
The registered and/or legal owner(s) are:
PACE, FL 32571

PACE, FL 32571
Total fees owed as of October 10TH 2022 are $380.00: Fees include Towing: $130.00, and Lien Filing Fees: $250.00.




The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intent to issue a permit to Jeanie Zipponi, 9807 Navarre Parkway, Navarre, FL 62566 to to construct a dock with a 6 foot by 350 foot access pier with twelve - 2 foot by 23 foot finger piers, ten - 13 foot by 23 foot boat slips, and a 20 foot by 30 foot sundeck.
The Department will issue the environmental resource permit and lease to use sovereign submerged lands, unless a timely petition for an administrative proceeding is filed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The actual terms of the lease will be formally executed at a later date and shall include provisions for rents and such other provisions as normally are included in such lease. On the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the hearing process may result in a modification of the agency action or even denial of the application.
The application file is available online and can be accessed through the Department’s Information Portal at: If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulty viewing the electronic application, please call Chloe Ray, 850-595-0610, or email at
A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department’s action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Pursuant to Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C., a petition for an administrative hearing must contain the following information:
(a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency’s file or identification number, if known;
(b) The name, address, any email address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner’s substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination;
(c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision;
(d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate;
(e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency’s proposed action;
(f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency’s proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and
(g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency’s proposed action.

The petition must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 3000. Also, a copy of the petition shall be mailed to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing.
In accordance with Rule 62-110.106(3), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 14 days of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The failure to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to intervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated by another party) will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C.
Under Rule 62-110.106(4), F.A.C., a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department’s action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 3000, before the applicable deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon.
Mediation is not available in this proceeding.
The applicant, or any party within the meaning of Section 373.114(1)(a) or 373.4275, F.S., may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under Section 373.114(1) or 373.4275, F.S. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when this order is filed with the Clerk of the Department.




Case No. 2022-CA-000236
TO: Apostle House, Defendant, and to all parties claiming interest by, through, under or against Defendant, and all parties having or claiming to have any right, title or interest in the property herein described.
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that you have been designated as defendant in a legal proceeding filed against you to quiet title. The action involves real property in SANTA ROSA County, Florida, more fully described as follows:
Lots 4 and 5, Block B, First Addition To Bay Ridge Park, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book B, Page 128, of the Public Records of Santa Rosa County, Florida
The action was instituted in the First Judicial Circuit Court, SANTA ROSA County, Florida, and is styled GAIL & & RODRIGUE HARDY and RODRIGUE F. HARDY vs. APOSTLE HOUSE.
You are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the action on Scott C. Bridgford, Plaintiffs' attorney, whose address is 2045 Fountain Professional Ct., Suite A, Navarre, Florida 32566, on or before December 20, 2022, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Scott C. Bridgford or immediately after service; otherwise, a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition.
The Court has authority in this suit to enter a judgment or decree in the Plaintiffs' interest which will be binding upon you.
Clerk of the First Judicial Circuit Court
SANTA ROSA County, Florida
By /s/ Brenda Lambrisky
Deputy Clerk



Public Notice

NP1186 Proof




The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its intent to issue a permit to Jeanie Zipponi, 9807 Navarre Parkway, Navarre, FL 62566 to to construct a dock with a 6 foot by 350 foot access pier with twelve - 2 foot by 23 foot finger piers, ten - 13 foot by 23 foot boat slips, and a 20 foot by 30 foot sundeck.
The Department will issue the environmental resource permit and lease to use sovereign submerged lands, unless a timely petition for an administrative proceeding is filed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The actual terms of the lease will be formally executed at a later date and shall include provisions for rents and such other provisions as normally are included in such lease. On the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the hearing process may result in a modification of the agency action or even denial of the application.
The application file is available online and can be accessed through the Department’s Information Portal at: If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulty viewing the electronic application, please call Chloe Ray, 850-595-0610, or email at
A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department’s action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Pursuant to Rule 28-106.201, F.A.C., a petition for an administrative hearing must contain the following information:
(a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency’s file or identification number, if known;
(b) The name, address, any email address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner’s substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination;
(c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision;
(d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate;
(e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency’s proposed action;
(f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency’s proposed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and
(g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency’s proposed action.

The petition must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 3000. Also, a copy of the petition shall be mailed to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing.
In accordance with Rule 62-110.106(3), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 14 days of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The failure to file a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to intervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated by another party) will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with Rule 28-106.205, F.A.C.
Under Rule 62-110.106(4), F.A.C., a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department’s action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399- 3000, before the applicable deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon.
Mediation is not available in this proceeding.
The applicant, or any party within the meaning of Section 373.114(1)(a) or 373.4275, F.S., may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under Section 373.114(1) or 373.4275, F.S. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when this order is filed with the Clerk of the Department.


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DISCLAIMER: Additional legal notices may be accessed on the newspaper’s website and the statewide legal notice website. Legal notices are also published in the print edition of the newspaper and on the statewide legal notice website.

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DISCLAIMER: Additional legal notices may be accessed on the newspaper’s website and the statewide legal notice website. Legal notices are also published in the print edition of the newspaper and on the statewide legal notice website.