Oct 10, 2013
County Commissioners to toss out all pier bids
In the aftermath of a lawsuit filed by the top-ranked bidder for the management contract of the Navarre Beach Pier, Commissioner Lane Lynchard initiated a discussion to reject all previous bids and redo the selection, using a different voting process. Commissioners Don Salter and Bob Cole agreed, but Commissioners Jim Williamson and Jim Melvin strongly opposed the move, which is set to be officially approved today.
Oct 3, 2013
Pet owners beware of Bufo toad activity after rain
TAMPA — A Tampa dog is being treated for poisoning by a Bufo toad, a species known for its hallucinogenic toxins and increased activity during periods of unusually heavy rains.
Oct 3, 2013
Finding their way home
The sadness and worry associated with losing a dog or cat is something no pet owner wants to experience, especially because many may never get reunited with their families. Navarre resident Melissa Maxey is hoping that pet owners don’t have to experience that heartache, at least in the Navarre community.
Oct 3, 2013
Take a Kid Fishing event aims to hook young anglers
Hundreds of new anglers will be born on October 12 when the 5th Annual Take a Kid Fishing event rolls onto the Navarre Beach Pier.
Oct 3, 2013
Public input sought on anchoring and mooring program
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is seeking feedback from cruising boaters, local boaters and other residents in evaluating the state’s anchoring and mooring pilot program and related ordinances.
Oct 3, 2013
Hurlburt NCO saves lives in Afghanistan
SHINDAND AIR BASE, Afghanistan – September 7 started as any other training day for the crew of Jayhoon 11. However, events unfolded which proved to be a true test of tactics, training and teamwork.
Oct 3, 2013
Commander: Whiting considers land swap
Captain Matthew Coughlin, Commanding Officer of Naval Air Station Whiting Field (NASWF), provided the Santa Rosa Board of County Commissioners with an update at its committee meeting Sept. 23. Commissioner Don Salter stated that on a quarterly basis Coughlin would be providing the county with reports on activities involving NASWF and the Department of Defense.
Oct 3, 2013
Palmetto berries: Industry has health benefits
IMMOKALEE — The Mayans drank saw palmetto berries as a tonic, the Seminole Indians used them as an antiseptic and some in the Far East swear they’re a powerful aphrodisiac.
Oct 3, 2013
Final push to educate Floridians about health law
MIAMI — With just a few days until the launch of one of the key components of the new federal health law, hundreds of health counselors and volunteers worked to educate people how to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
Oct 3, 2013
TIP provides emotional support to trauma victims
First responders including officers, firefighters and paramedics are trained to handle a variety of emergency situations. But after a traumatic event, a victim may also need a different type of assistance- emotional support.