Jun 23, 2016
Roadway collisions with bears on the rise
Drivers are warned to be aware of bears on roadways because it’s not uncommon for an accident to occur that involves a bear being hit by a car.
Jun 23, 2016
Military twins join together again
Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. — Almost three years ago, Master Sgt. Antone Scott finally realized a military goal of having his identical twin brother, a Navy officer, administer the oath of enlistment to him for what was thought-to-be his final time.
Jun 23, 2016
Foster youth get a helping hand
Many 17-year-olds ‘aging out’ of the foster care system face uncertainty.
Jun 23, 2016
New Publix awaits environmental plan
More than 100 acres of greenspace in Holley by the Sea must undergo environmental reclamation as specified by state and federal authorities before the new Publix-anchored Tiger Point Pavilion can be built.
Jun 23, 2016
County eyes Panama City pier restroom as model
The Panama City Beach restrooms on Bay County’s pier that could be a model for future facilities at Navarre Beach’s promenade feature self-contained toilets and sinks at a cost of about $25,000.
Jun 23, 2016
Beach residents’ share of restoration still unclear
Due to a recalculation by the company that is now completing the sand replacement on Navarre Beach, residents there should see a reduction in their share of the project’s costs, county officials say.
Jun 23, 2016
Tough Mudder misses contract deadline
The deadline passed weeks ago for Tough Mudder Inc. to file an economic impact study that documents how Santa Rosa County benefited from its April 9-10 event in Milton.
Jun 23, 2016
Navarre girl escapes abduction
It’s a parent’s worst nightmare that almost came true. On Thursday, a Navarre girl told Santa Rosa Sheriff’s deputies that an adult male between the age of 50 and 55 with black/gray hair tried to abduct her on Thursday afternoon in the area of Ortega and Shipton streets in Navarre.
Jun 23, 2016
Gun pulled during father-son fight
A June 14 argument between a father and son ended with both being arrested after the father, Bruce Thumm pulled a gun while the two were arguing at a home in Gulf Breeze.
Jun 16, 2016
Foster Grandparent Program needs Navarre volunteers
The Santa Rosa County School Board renewed its agreement Thursday, June 9 to continue allowing seniors in the Foster Grandparent Program to assist in county school classrooms.