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Nov 5, 2020

Elis Hines started the year traveling the West Coast, surfing Pacific Ocean waves and skating big hills with his friends along the way.

He is ending it learning how to walk again.

Jul 29, 2020
Faked Facebook posts and self-quoting are among the actions taken by South Santa Rosa News publisher Romi White last week in a bashing campaign of a local, free political debate co-sponsored by Navarre Press.

Jan 9, 2020
The front porch of the home at the corner of Avenida De Sol and Mercado Street in Navarre is a bit different from the neighbors.

There’s no furniture or decorations. Sandbags are piled to one side, and walls around the door frame have been modified with a system to allow plastic barriers to be snapped into place.

Jun 28, 2018
It took the Tourist Development Council seven hours of debate in October over how to pay for a $7 million renovation of Navarre Park to finally come to a consensus.

Jun 28, 2018
Effective July 1, Student Transportation of America (STA) will take over as the bus service contractor for Santa Rosa County School District. As part of the $10.5 million first-year contract, STA has provided an all new fleet of school buses.

Jun 28, 2018
Florida legislators will not meet in session again until March 5, 2019, but many lobbying groups are already getting their legislative priorities in order, including the Santa Rosa County School Board.

Jun 28, 2018
One law firm vying to be the next Gulf Breeze City Attorney has years of experience representing its would-be employer in a controversial case that’s causing concern among some City Council members and other residents.

Jun 28, 2018
A Santa Rosa County Jury found Jevon Marquise Lamar Husfelt, 22, guilty of two counts of attempted first degree premeditated murder with a weapon.

Jun 28, 2018
Non-homestead properties in Santa Rosa County could see their taxes automatically rise next year if a ballot initiative known as Amendment 2 fails in November.

Jun 28, 2018
Gina Waterhouse learned she had Alzheimer’s disease two years ago. She was 63.
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