Will more homes be built on overtaxed Berryhill Road?
They didn’t say no, but they didn’t say yes either.
Santa Rosa County Commissioners postponed a decision on a rezoning that would increase traffic on the already overburdened Berryhill Road during their Special Rezoning meeting Jan. 28.
Road condition triggers complaints, prompts solutions
Convenience store employees call in bomb threat
Three nonstop destinations added to Pensacola airport
High winds prompt local burn restrictions
Website allows pre-registration for COVID-19 shots
Town Hall: Bridge still on track to reopen in March
As all of us know, the Pensacola Bay Bridge is still closed and the businesses surrounding the bridge are suffering.
Pensacola City Council President Jared Moore and State Representative Alex Andrade hosted a Pensacola Town Hall Meeting at Bayview Community Center Jan. 28 to discuss infrastructure projects in Pensacola.
Water management district: More info needed to complete assessment
Town hall confirms on-time bridge repairs
As all of us know, the Pensacola Bay Bridge is still closed and the businesses surrounding the bridge are suffering.
Pensacola City Council President Jared Moore and State Representative Alex Andrade hosted a Pensacola Town Hall Meeting at Bayview Community Center Jan. 28 to discuss infrastructure projects in Pensacola. Residents brought their concerns to the table and voiced their opinions for their community. A main talking point was the status of repairs to the Pensacola Bay Bridge.
Water board welcomes three new members
The annual Holley Navarre Water System board election had the least number of voters in recent history.
Only 198 out of a possible 17,700 water system members voted by absentee, in person or proxy.