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Jul 7, 2021

Parcels still being scouted for new south-end high school

Navarre High School, which ended the school year with just over 2,200 students, isn’t far from reaching its full capacity of 2,369.

With that in mind and more growth on the way, Santa Rosa County School District officials are in the process of negotiating for a parcel of land between Navarre and Gulf Breeze that would be ideal for a new high school.

Jul 7, 2021

Navarre Aldi plans inch forward

With a brand-new Aldi coming soon to Navarre, unapproved design plans continue to hinder the vertical construction of the discount grocery store.

Jul 6, 2021

State Attorney’s Office: Father of drowning victim will not be charged

The decision has been made not to charge the father of 5-year-old Zaten Clark, who drowned June 5 after falling from a floating play structure in the Santa Rosa Sound.

The Kentucky child was playing with his 7-year-old brother when he slipped into the water. His father, Travis Clark, was on land about 70 yards away at the time. He did not see his son fall or realize immediately that anything had happened, according to the Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office investigative report.

Jul 6, 2021

Tennessee man gets stolen pickup truck stuck on Navarre Beach

After a nap and bicycle chase, a Tennessee native was arrested after allegedly getting a stolen truck stuck on Navarre Beach.

Jul 6, 2021

If Elsa isn’t headed towards northwest Florida, where is all this rain coming from?

It’s raining, it’s pouring, and it’s not expected to stop anytime soon in Northwest Florida. Tropical Storm Elsa is forecasted to move near or along the western Florida Peninsula, but what about the Florida Panhandle? Why is it raining so much?

National Weather Service meteorologist Don Shepherd says the explanation is a combination of the Gulf moisture Elsa is bringing to our area, in addition to lingering storms caused by a trough, or an elongated area of relatively low pressure.

Jul 5, 2021

Strangers come together to spruce up roadside memorial for ‘Bike Lady’

Every day on her way to work, Cindy Lus drives by the white bike commemorating the spot where a homeless woman was killed more than a decade ago.

Jul 4, 2021

Elsa downgraded to tropical storm, path targets Florida peninsula

The latest update on now-Tropical Storm Elsa shows its path focusing on the Florida peninsula, including the Gulf Coast, before moving up the state through Georgia. The update shows Elsa brushing the coastline before moving onshore sometime Tuesday. The western portion of the Panhandle, including Santa Rosa County, is not in or near the “cone of probability” as of late Sunday afternoon, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Jul 4, 2021

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident …’

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Jul 4, 2021

From proposal to family of 4, couple visits same Navarre Beach boardwalk

On July 4, 2013, red flags were flying on Navarre Beach and the surf was too rough for swimming. So William Richey convinced his longtime girlfriend, Jodie, to cross the beach walkover near their rental that day to look at the surf. Then, with their family watching through the window of their nearby townhome, he proposed.

Jul 4, 2021

Rip currents likely to be present along Navarre Beach

A high rip current risk is in effect from noon on Sunday, July 4 through the evening of July 5, according to an advisory from the National Weather Service.
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