COVID testing center opening delayed
Traffic is backed up onto U.S. Highway 98 near the old Gulf Breeze Flea Market for the free COVID testing offered there.
According to county officials, the testing site, which is run by a private company, has had staffing issues that delayed Tuesday’s opening.
Home builders prevail in impact fee case
Validating its assertions that Santa Rosa County’s school impact fee was inaccurately calculated and legally flawed, the Home Builders Association of West Florida and 11 additional plaintiffs applaud the Jan. 15, 2022, decision by Circuit Court Judge Darlene Dickey to issue Summary Final Judgment in their favor.
The ordinance by the Board of County Commissioners in support of new funding for the School Board of Santa Rosa County went into effect May 1, 2020, with impact fees of $5,000 on each new home permitted in the county, $4,000 for each mobile home, and $2,750 for each multi-family dwelling.
Meet Brad Baker: County leader cares deeply, works hard
New Holley by the Sea Park plans head to Zoning Board
Residents of Hawthorn Drive in Holley by The Sea (HBTS) may have noticed a small yellow sign on a piece of vacant property across from Palmetto Lane at its junction with Hawthorne Drive.
Holley-Navarre Fire District awarded lifesaving equipment grant
When Firehouse Subs cashiers ask if customers want to round up to the nearest dollar, it truly goes to lifesaving causes.
Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation® recently provided a $25,835 grant to the Holley-Navarre Fire District and presented the results of the money Jan. 11 at the fire department. The funding went toward the purchase of battery-powered rescue equipment, which will be used to shave off time and ensure greater lifesaving capabilities for first responders in the community.
Holley-Navarre Water System breaks ground on renovations
Growth is evident in Navarre and the same is true for Holley-Navarre Water System (HNWS).
The headquarters on Turkey Bluff Road as well as its warehouse and joint operations building will be getting a renovation in the coming months.
“This is a momentous occasion for us,” CEO Dr. Dallas Peavey Jr. said at a Jan. 11 ceremony.
Nuisance alligator trapper needed for Santa Rosa County
Body found in trash collected from Baker landfill
The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after a man was found dead in a trash pile at a Jackson County landfill Saturday.
The body had been in trash collected around 9:30 a.m. at the Baker landfill on Charlie Day Road by a garbage transportation company. The driver was on his way back to Okaloosa County to pick up another load when he got a call to contact law enforcement.