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Blue Angels sponsor Navy recruits

Members of the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels attended the commissioning ceremony of Navy Recruit Division 940 - the squadron’s first sponsored division of Navy recruits – June 30 at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, Ill. The Recruit Division Sponsorship Program allows Navy commands to interact with recruits during training and take part in the “Sailorization” process of turning a person into a well-rounded member of the U.S. Navy – making civilians Sailors.

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Lieutenant General Fiel retires

"You will touch the soil of many lands" is a fortune 2nd Lt. Eric Fiel opened 33 years ago from a Chinese fortune cookie. Today, Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel still keeps that fortune in his wallet as he reflects back on his career as an Air Commando and his ultimate job as the head of Air Force Special Operations Command.

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Command change for AFSOC

Lt. Gen. Bradley Heithold will become the 10th commander of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) during a ceremony Thursday at Hurlburt Field. He will assume command from Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel who retired after 33 years of service. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III is scheduled to preside over the ceremony.

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