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Aug 6, 2015
A sea of smiling faces made Barbara Colandrea and Carol Utecht feel more than welcome as they greeted their older sister and her family for the first time at the Dothan, Ala., airport recently.

Jul 16, 2015
Roman Catholic leaders in the early voting state of Iowa implored presidential candidates earlier this month to take up Pope Francis’ call for “profound political courage” by focusing their campaigns as much on improving the environment and income inequality as they have on opposing gay marriage and abortion in past elections.

Jul 9, 2015
Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee went head-to-head for evangelical votes last weekend, telling a megachurch congregation in Georgia that God favors the United States but warning that the nation is on a perilous spiritual path because of actions like the Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

Jul 9, 2015
The Episcopal Church has completed its embrace of gay rights, changing church law to allow same-sex religious marriages throughout the denomination, just days after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide.

Jul 2, 2015
It was standing room only Sunday morning at the grand opening of the new Coastline Calvary Chapel on Highway 87 in Navarre.

Jun 25, 2015
When actor Michael Douglas learned that he had been chosen to receive the “Jewish Nobel Prize,” he pointed out a small problem: Under strict religious law, the Oscar-winning actor isn’t Jewish.

Jun 25, 2015
Hundreds of children had a blast at Navarre United Methodist Church’s vacation Bible school last week.

Jun 18, 2015
The Christian population in the U.S. reportedly is on the decline and parishioners aren’t donating as much, which means some churches are rethinking how they manage their money.

Jun 11, 2015
Like any group of spirited salesmen, this crew swaps stories about the big scores, those times when people couldn’t wait to buy what they were selling.

Jun 4, 2015
Expansion has been on the mind of Julie Condon, entrepreneur and owner of Saltwater Cottage, for more than a year.
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