Jul 18, 2013
PSC makes Top 100 list
Pensacola State College has once again made a national list as Community College Week magazine recently named PSC to its list of Top 100 Associate Degree Producers in the nation.
Jul 18, 2013
Program inspires ‘big’ scholastic success
A little time spent mentoring students can make a big difference. A historic nationwide impact study proved children matched with mentors become more confident of their performance in schoolwork. To give struggling students a boost, the Santa Rosa County School Board recently approved an annual agreement with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwest to provide a school-based mentoring program called “Bigs Inspiring Scholastic Success.”
Jul 11, 2013
Compass Learning program helps middle school students stay on grade level
For students who might have fallen behind in the school year, summer school can offer the best opportunity for these students to stay on grade level with their peers.
Jul 11, 2013
HNMS student attends leadership conference in nation’s capitol
Holley Navarre Middle School student Noah Berry is currently in Washington D.C. attending the Junior National Young Leaders Conference.
Jul 11, 2013
NWF State College to offer new bachelor’s program
The Florida Department of Education recently approved a new baccalaureate program for Northwest Florida State College, the college’s seventh four-year degree program. The new Bachelor of Applied Science in Management and Supervision degree is specifically designed to meet Governor Scott’s recent challenge for state institutions to offer bachelor’s programs costing students no more than $10,000.
Jun 27, 2013
United Way donations can be designated; Navarre staffer added
“What few dollars it takes to make someone’s life better,” said Cinnamon Holderman, a board member of the United Way of Santa Rosa County (SRC), which kicked off its annual campaign yesterday. “Even if people can only donate five dollars, it really makes a difference for somebody,” added Holderman.
Jun 27, 2013
Legislators visit UWF, hear about ‘stop outs,’ mentor program and more
Senate President Don Gaetz and Speaker of the House Will Weatherford recently visited the University of West Florida to hear about a variety of new programs implemented from additional funding from this year’s state budget.
Jun 27, 2013
Camp Invention is hands-on science fun
Camp Invention, a week-long program for kids promoting creativity and scientific discovery, was held last week at West Navarre Intermediate School. The camp is offered to students ranging from first through sixth grade, and features hands-on activities, science projects and games.
Jun 20, 2013
School board members assigned homework
Santa Rosa School Board district administrator David Johnson turned the tables on elected school board members, assigning them homework at a workshop held June 13. Johnson, who serves as the Director of Alternative Education and Continuous Improvement, is working to improve the district’s vision and purpose. Johnson stated the district needs to create a document that coordinates work in a more systematic fashion.
Jun 6, 2013
Accelerated Reader program stars shine at WNPS
The Accelerated Reader Stars program has created a few “celebrities” at West Navarre Primary School.