Nov 14, 2013
DeStefano awarded for looking “outside the box”
In just a few years, Holley-Navarre Middle School has come full circle in terms of technology. The school has boosted its technology programs, and has even installed a web-based camera system throughout the school.
Nov 7, 2013
WBMS Robotics Club advances to regionals
Students from Woodlawn Beach Middle School placed second overall at the sixth annual Emerald Coast BEST Robotics competition on Saturday, and will be advancing to the regional competition next month.
Nov 7, 2013
Teachers of the Quarter recognized
The Santa Rosa County School District recently recognized its Teachers of the Quarter for each school, as follows:
Nov 7, 2013
License plate program to benefit art teachers
Elementary school art teachers don’t always get a lot of funds to purchase art supplies. Santa Rosa County Tax Collector Stan Colie Nichols hopes to change that.
Oct 31, 2013
Amazing Shake winners get noticed
Santa Rosa County School Board members took time out of their monthly meeting last Thursday to recognize three students who excelled at an innovative program facilitated by their 8th grade Algebra teacher, Jeff Baugus, at Woodlawn Beach Middle School.
Oct 31, 2013
NHS students shine in “The Great Gatsby”
Navarre High School students put on a production of “The Great Gatsby” last weekend, and both Friday and Saturday night the cast performed to a large audience in the school’s cafeteria.
Oct 31, 2013
Anti-bullying program teaches ‘Be an Upstander, not a Bystander’
October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and local middle schools are encouraging students to not only treat others with respect, but also to speak up if they see others being mistreated as well.
Oct 24, 2013
Navarre cadets dominate Best Ranger Competition
Navarre High School’s NJROTC battalion flexed its collective muscles when it recently sent 24 cadets to participate in the UWF Army ROTC unit’s annual Best Ranger competition.
Oct 24, 2013
WBMS Robotics Club gear up for their competition
The Woodlawn Beach Middle School Robotics Club is using the science fiction movie “Tron” for inspiration as part of their robotics project and campaign this year for the Emerald Coast BEST Robotics competition.
Oct 17, 2013
HNIS students learn about aerospace, launch rockets
Designed to get students interested in aerospace and science, technology, engineering and math subjects, Holley-Navarre Intermediate School hosted its fourth annual Civil Air Patrol (CAP) kickoff Friday morning.